Fantasy Life Wiki
Fantasy Life Wiki

Weapons in Fantasy Life are equipment that assists the player fighting enemies.

There are 5 different types of Weapons in Fantasy Life.
Longswords, Greatswords, Bows, Staves and Daggers.

Weapons Comparison has a consolidated table for all weapons of all types.

For information on placing additional ingredients when crafting weapons, tools, and armour, see Crafting Effects.

Weapon Types[]

Icon Type Info
Paladin icon 1 Longswords Longswords are primarily used by paladins along side a shield.
Mercenary icon 1 Greatswords Greatswords are primarily used by mercenaries in close combat to deal high amounts of damage.
Hunter icon 1 Bows Bows are primarily used by hunters to attack enemies from a safe distance.
Magician icon 1 Staves Staves are primarily used by magicians to cast elemental attacks and to heal as well.
Dagger Icon 1 Daggers Daggers are primarily used by all non-combat related lives to fight enemies.

How to Obtain[]


Skill level[]

Level of skill required to equip the weapon.


Raw number that increase you Attack or Magic Attack stat by the exact amount displayed.

Special Effect[]

Some weapons might have a extra effect such as: May stun enemy, Critical rate +++ and many others. To see all of the special effect see Crafting Effects.


Lives that can use the weapon.

See also[]
