Fantasy Life Wiki

You can participate in this trial in the Ancient Tower. The Trial of Light is the most difficult trial to complete.

To unlock this Trial you need to be level 100 and have cleared the Trial of Darkness.


For the completion of this trial, Celestia gives you the reward of being able to add her to your party.


Bounty Clerks

You will find the Bounty Clerks in the Trial of Light on the 6th and 11th floors. When you access the 11th floor you cannot return to the 10th floor.


There is a Fluffkin Clerk that you can buy items from on the 10th floor. He sells:


You can pick Golden Apples and Galaxy Apples from the trees located on the 11th floor.

Red Treasure Chest Drops

The following items have been picked up from the Red Treasure Chests in this area.

Top Floor Only:

Massive Tip on farming apples and crystal scales

Want to gain apples from trees and crystal scales from the final boss without having to go through the Trial of Light all over again? Do this trick:

  • Save on the 11th floor before going up to fight
  • Defeat the Crystal Dragon on the top floor
  • Travel back down to the main floor
  • DO NOT SAVE. This is crucial!
  • Go Sleep in your bed. ("Sleep", not "Rest") - This respawns the boss & the apples on the 11th floor
  • Go die. (Take off your equipment if you must and find a strong monster to take you down)
  • When you die, choose to restart from the LAST SAVE POINT
  • You are now back at the 11th floor of the Trial of Light and can go ahead and save.

Re-do the trick as much as you want. This tip applies to all of the trials.
