The Rocky Hill Shrine is Located towards the Eastern side of Origin Island.

Items to pick up[]
Ore to mine[]
- Amazing Dark Ore Deposit
- Dark Ore Deposit
- Dark Stone
- Great Dark Ore Deposit
- Superior Dark Ore Deposit
Fish to catch[]
No fish in this section to catch
Trees to chop[]
No trees in this section to cut down
Treasure Chest Finds[]
- Ancient Frying Pan
- Angelic Remedy
- Berserk Potion
- Champion's Blade
- Divine Mist
- Gigaga Axe
- Love Orb
- Miracle
- Sack of Secret Treasure
- Shadow Cap
- Shadow Armour
- Shadow Leg Guards
- Shadow Gauntlets
- Shadow Boots
- Superior Spraylixir
- Wisdom Orb
Extra Notes[]
- There is a shopkeeper here
- There is an Inn here if you need sleep or rest. It will cost 500 Dosh per person
- Origin Island's Goddess Statue is located here