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Fantasy Life Wiki

Passwords (JapaneseJapanese: あいことば Ai Kotoba) are event codes that the player can use to obtain rare items that are not easily or cannot be found or obtained through the game.


Some Fantasy Life password items.

To input the passwords, go to the post office in Castele Square, then talk to the Password Clerk behind the counter.

You need to complete Flutter's Request: Tale of the Goddess in order to unlock the Password Clerk's dialogue to redeem passwords.

How to obtain[]

Japanese version[]

In the Japanese version of the game, the player can obtain passwords when they read at the fourth line in the 'remarks' column: "Bulletin board Kulu Petersburg post office counter left". If the player reads the bulletin board in the left wall of the post office, they will get a clue for a password. Depending on the language of the player's game, the password will be different and the item will have a different name. The rest of the codes can be obtained through live streaming events or other in real life events.

International version[]

Passwords can be gained through official Nintendo twitter accounts.

List of Passwords[]

NTSC/PAL region Passwords[]

Reward UK/AU North America France Germany[1] Italy Spain Spanish America
Honey Pudding Reveria[2] Reveria Rêveria Reveria Reveria Reveria
Butler's Outfit At your service Butting in À votre service Zu Diensten Al tuo servizio! A su servicio
Cute Outfit Cutie pie Exceedingly cute Mignonnette Spitzenspätzchen Ehi, dolcezza! Qué monada
Angel Costume Angelic chorus I'm finished! Chœur angélique Engelschor Coro angelico[3] Coro celestial Coro angelical
Demon Costume Fiery fiend Fiendish fashion Furie démoniaque Feurige Furie Demoni birboni Ferocidad feroz
Dancer's Outfit Lady of the ball Got the fever? La reine du bal Juwel des Balls Regina ballerina Reina del baile
Dragon Tamer Costume Dragon tamer Fired up! Dompte le dragon


Doma il drago! Domadragones
Spring Indoor Decoration Set Spring flowers Spring Cleaning Air printanier Frühlingsblumen Fiori in boccio Flor primaveral
Spring Outdoor Decoration Set Life in bloom Spring fling Vie florissante In voller Blüte Prati in fiore Brote de color
Sailor's Outfit Seasick sailors[4] Sailor's delight Marins nauséeux[5] Ahoi Matrose![6] Mal di mare[7] Marinos mareados[8]
Summer Fun Costume Fun in the sun Beach Bum Au soleil Sonniger Spaß Festa al sole Fiesta al sol
Summer Outdoor Decoration Set Croakie dokie Don Gero! Croâ croâ Alles krächzens Cra cra cra ¡Croac, croac!
Island Resort Decoration Set Surf's up! Forgot my lotion Vive les vagues Wellenreiten Cavalca l'onda! ¡A la playa!
Pool Decoration Set Splish splosh Floating fun Plouf plouf Plitsch, platsch Splash splash Plaf, chof
Mysterious Costume Abracadabra Alakazam Abracadabra Abrakadabra Abracadabra Abracadabra
Witch's Hat Toil and trouble Witching hour Vilaine sorcière Harte Arbeit Giro giro tondo Pata de cabra
Pumpkin Outfit Jack-o'-Lantern Seedy deeds Citrouilles Kürbislaterne Zucca vuota Calabasusto
Halloween Furniture Set Trick or treat? Trick or Treat! Joyeux Halloween Schaurig schön Dolcetto o... ¿Susto o chuche?
Festive Costume Winter wonders Forever festive Joyeux Noël ! Frohes Fest! Gioia invernale Felices fiestas
Festive Furniture Set Chimneypot Claus Just add cookies Ramoneur d'hiver Kamin-Klaus Viva le feste Papá no es
Elegant Outfit Cute chic Strike a pose Féru de mode Mode-Guru Viva la moda! A la última
Frilly Outfit Frilliant! Lace case Style frivole Rüschtastisch! Decora e rimira! ¡Volantástico!
Heart Rug Huggable rug Love-ly carpet Tapis mimi Kuschelvorleger Comodo tappeto Alfombra mimosa
Sweet Furniture Set Sweet treats Sweet Furniture Douceurs sucrées Süßer Genuss Dolci sorprese Dulce sorpresa
Cacto Costume Prickly poser Pokey pretender Tenues épineuses Stachelige Mode Faccende spinose Disfraz espinoso
Ninja Costume Vanishing act Masked Mercenary Comme par magie Aus dem Nichts Puff... sparito! ¡Chas! ¡No está!
Fluffkin Costume Fluffkin facade Fur couture Style Fourruchon Pelzling-Mode Caro pelliccione Pelpuréate
Sheep Outfit A bit sheepish Shear Comfort Mouton noir Etwas belämmert Pecora nera Balando voy...
Plushling Outfit Plushling parade Pretty in plush Style Mascotton Knufflingsparade Nimbossibile! Desfile peluche
Princely Outfit Princely threads Not charming Tenue princière Prinzen-Pracht Principe azzurro Hilos reales
Yippee-Ki-Yay Costume Buckin' bronco Ride 'em cowboy Cheval sauvage Bockendes Pferd Toro meccanico Potro desbocado
Snowman Outfit Slippery snowman Stay frosty! Costume hivernal Mann aus Schnee Nobile nevischio Señor resbalón
Snowman (Decoration) Snowman-ia! Wanna build me? Boule de neige Schneespaß Naso di carota Don Níveo
Snow Outfit Snow joke Snow daze! Drôle de neige Frostiger Spaß Nevica! Broma nívea
Laura's Hat Laura lookalike Hidden princess Sosie de Laura Doppelte Laura Sosia di Laura Fan de Laura
Yuelia's Outfit All of a flutter Moonerfly magic Style Flotillon Flatterling-Mode Franfalla chic Estilo Maripósea
Choco Mat Tiny treat A little peckish Petit plaisir Kleiner Genuss Sorpresina Date un homenaje
Fairy Doll All dolled up Dolled up Vieux amis Puppenspieler Vecchi amici Viejos amigos De juguete
Teddy Bear Yummy honey bear Un-bear-able Petit ourson Leckerhonig-Bär Orso golosone Oso meloso
Toy Camel Sandy snuggles Spittin' image Câlins ensablés Kuschel-Höcker Sella di sabbia Abrazos arenosos
Football Pitch On the ball Sports ball Balle au centre Am Ball Palla al centro ¡Gol!
Cuddly Sea Turtle Timid turtle Shell of a time Tortue timide Süße Schildkröte Timida tartaruga Tortuga tímida
  • Note that these are based on the language chosen and not the country you live in; thus it is possible to redeem any item you do not have by changing your language in-game.[9]
  • Please note that the passwords are Case-Sensitive.

Japanese Passwords[]

Reward Password Obtain
Cowboy Set ロデオできめろカウボーイ GEO Arrival Appendix Clear File
Devil Set まっかなスイートリトルデビル Battle at Korokoro limited original armed

