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Other requests are non-story related quests given to a player by NPCs (non-player characters) around the various areas of the game. When completed, players can obtain varying amounts of Dosh; often, the player will also receive some kind of item or items. Players may take up to 30 "other requests" at a time, which can be viewed in the quest menu under a separate heading. Completed requests appear permanently and do not count against the 30 ongoing quests. There are a total of 333 other requests, counting the 81 added in the Origin Island DLC (else 252).

The other requests available in the game appear as follows, organized by where the NPCs are located.

Requests in bold represent tasks that are only available with the Origin Island DLC.

Castele Square[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Gramps A Big Egg for Gramps 1 Big Egg Bronze Dagger, 500 Dosh
Old Man's Mustard 3 Mustard Duelling Bottoms, 200 Dosh
Sweetfish Bones 1 Giant Plains Sweetfish Duelling Outfit, 200 Dosh
Helmut Sleeping on Duty 3 Sleep Antidotes 700 Dosh
Sleeping on Duty Again 3 Super Sleep Antidotes* 1,000 Dosh
Still Sleeping on Duty 3 Super Sleep Bombs* Silver Dagger, 3,300 Dosh
Rooftop Kitty Crucial Request 5 Castele Crucians Yellow Butterfly, 200 Dosh
Trout for Kitty 3 Elderwood Trout Scarab Beetle, 200 Dosh
Catfish for Kitty 3 Catfish Gemstone Buttons, 1,000 Dosh
Prospero Drive Away the Bandits Defeat 10 Bandits Life Cure, 2,000 Dosh
Bring Down the Bandit Leaders Defeat 3 Bandit Leaders Life Cure, 2,500 Dosh
Justice Will Prevail Defeat 30 Bandits Durable Charm, 3,000 Dosh
Postonby* Postbox of Love 1 Sea Bream of Love Treasure Chest, 600 Dosh
Love Soup 1 Super Fish Soup of Love* 5 Medium Bomb, 6,800 Dosh
Explosive Love 1 Super Love Bomb* Unknown Life Form, 3,400 Dosh
Paige Scholarly Curiosity 1 3 Sun Clusters Book Stack, 2,300 Dosh
Scholarly Curiosity 2 3 Star Clusters Classy Monocle, 1,300 Dosh
Scholarly Curiosity 3 3 Moon Clusters Scholar's Candle Stand, 2,800 Dosh
Scholarly Curiosity 4 3 Lifeforce Clusters Dragon Skull, 5,400 Dosh
Fernando Castelian Duds 1 1 Good-Quality Duelling Boots Amethyst, 2,100 Dosh
Castelian Duds 2 1 Good-Quality Duelling Bottoms Emerald, 1,900 Dosh
Castelian Duds 3 1 Good-Quality Duelling Doublet Sapphire, 2,400 Dosh
Henrietta Chickie Treats 5 Forest Mushrooms Cureweed, 200 Dosh
More Chickie Treats 5 Mountain Mushrooms Panacea, 200 Dosh
Don’t Cry Henrietta 5 Cave Mushrooms Magic Powder, 400 Dosh
Henrietta's Dinner Party 1 Mushroom Medley 5 Spiritual Powder, 2,700 Dosh
Celine Castelian Veggies, Please 1 Super Boiled Veg* Coral Necklace, 200 Dosh
Castelian Burger, Please 1 Super Juicy Burger* Happy Daisy, 1,800 Dosh
Castelian Fish, Please 1 S. Rustic Rainbow Trout* Amethyst Ring, 200 Dosh
Timmy The Bug Boy 1 1 Royal Grasshopper Castele Apple, 200 Dosh
The Bug Boy 2 1 Rhino Beetle Rainbow Apple, 200 Dosh
The Bug Boy 3 1 Iron Stag Beetle Fine Feather, 500 Dosh
The Bug Boy 4 1 Angelic Butterfly Snow-White Feather, 4,200 Dosh
Castele Fashion Boutique
Beret Nice 1 Good-Quality Highland Beret Silk Thread, 500 Dosh
Flirty Skirt 1 Good-Quality Striped Skirt Marine Thread, 2,400 Dosh
Sassy Shoes 1 Good-Quality Ribbon-Laced Shoes Flax Thread, 4,500 Dosh
Castele Inn
A New Chair, Please 1 Good-Quality Wooden Chair Artisan's Hat, 500 Dosh
A New Dining Table, Please 1 Good-Quality Wooden Dining Table Artisan's Apron, 2,800 Dosh
A New Bed, Please 1 Good-Quality Wooden Bed Lucky Cactus, 1,400 Dosh
Castele Fine Arms
Shiny Golden Sword 1 Great-Quality Gold Sword 3 Marine Ore, 8,100 Dosh
Shiny Captain’s Sword 1 Great-Quality Captain's Sword 3 Magic Ore, 14,000 Dosh
Shiny Crystal Sword 1 Great-Quality Crystal Sword 3 Celestial Ore, 26,000 Dosh
Post Office
Lettina’s Delivery Service 1 1 Great-Quality Cuddly Sea Turtle Fairy Appliqué, 4,800 Dosh
Lettina’s Delivery Service 2 1 Great-Quality Toy Camel Snow-White Feather, 11,000 Dosh
Lettina’s Delivery Service 3 1 Great-Quality Big Bunny Plushie Hornet Needle, 15,000 Dosh

Castele Castle[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Inner Garden
The Princess and the Grapes 3 bunches of Grassland Grapes Super Apple Juice*, 200 Dosh
Smashing Watermelons 3 Beach Watermelons Super Honey Pudding*, 300 Dosh
Strawberry Shortcake 3 Cave Strawberries Princess Appliqué, 500 Dosh
Origin Apples 3 Golden Apples 5 Criticaline +, 200 Dosh
Hughes's Room
Scholarly Monocle 1 Classy Monocle Super HP Potion*, 11,000 Dosh
Relaxing Cactus 1 Lucky Cactus Super Healing Powder*, 3,700 Dosh
That Forest Feeling 1 Bushy Tree Royal Appliqué, 1,500 Dosh
Reception Hall
The Charming Paladin 1 1 Good-Quality Charm Apple Appliqué, 800 Dosh
The Charming Paladin 2 1 Good-Quality Durable Charm Shield Appliqué, 5,500 Dosh
The Charming Paladin 3 1 Good-Quality Reinforced Charm Hero Appliqué, 21,000 Dosh

Castele Shopping District[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Selma Eels for Dinner 3 Plains Eels 300 Dosh
Breams for Dinner 3 Puerto Breams 2,100 Dosh
Puffer Fish for Dinner 1 Pufferfish Palm Rod, 200 Dosh
Tilly Lovely Eggs 10 baskets of Chicken Eggs 200 Dosh
More Lovely Eggs 5 baskets of Royal Eggs 300 Dosh
Even More Lovely Eggs 3 baskets of Magic Eggs Silver Frying Pan, 200 Dosh
Lovely Penguin Eggs 3 baskets of Penguin Eggs 5 Pink Gel, 1,600 Dosh
The Crown
Gimme Mutton 1 Super Roast Mutton* 400 Dosh
Gimme Lamb 1 Super Juicy Mutton* Dino Meat, 200 Dosh
Gimme Juice 1 Super Barley Juice* Monster Meat, 300 Dosh
Gimme Frappe! 1 Goddess's Frappé* 3 Dragon Scales, 200 Dosh
Marcel Dearly Departed Fleas 1 9 Life Cures Pink Gel, 14,000 Dosh
Dearly Departed Fleas 2 1 Super Elixir* 10 Black Gel, 3,300 Dosh
Dearly Departed Fleas 3 1 Super Spraylixir* 10 King Gel, 200 Dosh
The Crown
Mutton, Please 10 Mutton 400 Dosh
Rice, Please 15 Port Rice Highland Beret, 200 Dosh
Sweet Corn, Please 20 Sweetcorn* Highland Top, 700 Dosh
Harmony Room of Darkness 1 1 Chair of Atonement Flower Ball Lamp, 6,400 Dosh
Room of Darkness 2 1 Bloodthirsty Table Big Bunny Plushie, 7,000 Dosh
Room of Darkness 3 1 Nightmare Bed Purrfection Staff, 200 Dosh
Alfredo's Bistro
Eggs Benedict 1 1 Super Fluffy Omelette* 300 Dosh
Eggs Benedict 2 1 Super Magical Omelette* Truffle, 1,500 Dosh
Eggs Benedict 3 1 Super Royal Omelette* Enchanted Frying Pan, 200 Dosh
Fortunes by Cassandra
Cursebreaker 1 1 Great-Quality Royal Dining Table Elixir, 17,000 Dosh
Cursebreaker 2 1 Great-Quality Royal Sofa Spraylixir, 17,000 Dosh
Cursebreaker 3 1 Great-Quality Royal Bed Light Mana, 22,000 Dosh
Geoffrey Redbell Sunset 10 Redbells Sunset Wall, 200 Dosh
Bluebell Sky 20 Bluebells Blue-Sky Wall, 200 Dosh
Yellowbell Sands 30 Yellowbells Starlight Wall, 200 Dosh
Pink Sky 30 Cherrybells Sakura Wall, 2,100 Dosh

Castele Artisan's District[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Tufts Plushy Iron Hammer 1 Good-Quality Iron Hammer 3,000 Dosh
Plushy Silver Hammer 1 Good-Quality Silver Hammer Platinum Ore, 4,300 Dosh
Plushy Super Hammer 1 Good-Quality Super Hammer Magma Ore, 12,000 Dosh
Barker Fangs! 2 Animal Fangs Royal Grasshopper, 200 Dosh
Fangs! Fangs! 2 Thick Fangs Rhino Beetle, 700 Dosh
Fangs! Fangs! Fangs! 2 Sturdy Fangs Iron Stag Beetle, 2,800 Dosh
Fangs! Fangs! Fangs! Fangs! 2 Ancient Fangs Giant Fang, 200 Dosh
Mona A Gift from Granny 3 spools of Wonderful Ribbon 3,600 Dosh
Another Gift from Granny 3 Cashmere Lace Curtains, 700 Dosh
Yet Another Gift from Granny 3 Marine Silk Silver Needle, 900 Dosh
Paul Honey for Pancake Paul 1 4 Grassland Honey 200 Dosh
Honey for Pancake Paul 2 4 Plateau Honey 200 Dosh
Honey for Pancake Paul 3 4 Island Honey Teddy Bear, 200 Dosh
Honey for Pancake Paul 4 4 Remote Island Honey Elder Fir Log, 200 Dosh

South Castele[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Gaites Bronze Gaites 1 Good-Quality Bronze Shield 2,300 Dosh
Cast-Iron Gaites 1 Good-Quality Iron Shield Port Puerto Silver, 2,700 Dosh
Silver Gaites 1 Good-Quality Silver Shield Al Maajik Gold, 4,900 Dosh
Pom Apples for Pom 10 Castele Apples Oak Log, 200 Dosh
Rainbow Apples for Pom 4 Rainbow Apples Elder Oak Log, 200 Dosh
99 Apples for Pom 99 Castele Apples Palm Axe, 1,000 Dosh
Galaxy Apples for Pom 10 Galaxy Apples Elder Starry Log, 34,000 Dosh
Giles Carrot Catcher 1 Defeat 5 Carrotys* Carrot, 1,000 Dosh
Carrot Catcher 2 Defeat 15 Carrotys* Carrot, 1,500 Dosh
Carrot Catcher 3 Defeat 3 Carrotellas Scarecrow, 2,000 Dosh
Carrot Catcher 4 Defeat 5 Sagely Carrotys* Dragon Leg Bone, 5,000 Dosh
Hamsvich A Shady Request 5 Sleep Powder Sleep Antidote, 800 Dosh
A Shadier Request 5 Poison Powder Poison Antidote, 500 Dosh
An Even Shadier Request 5 Stun Powder Stun Antidote, 2,100 Dosh
The Shadiest Request 3 Divine Powder Unknown Life Form, 3,200 Dosh
Barley Firewood, Please 5 Pine Logs Castele Bloom, 300 Dosh
More Firewood, Please 5 Palm Logs Rejuvenating Berries, 200 Dosh
Yet More Firewood, Please 5 Fir Logs Lucky Flower, 200 Dosh

East Castele[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Llaeth Gimme Milk! 5 Cows' Milk 200 Dosh
Gimme More Milk! 3 Extra Creamy Milk Cape, 200 Dosh
Magical Milkshake for Me 3 Magical Milkshakes Round Specs, 2,400 Dosh
Gimme Milk Gel! 3 White Gel Qualitine +, 200 Dosh

West Castele[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Hans Haniwa Cave Gemstones 3 Topaz 3,600 Dosh
Teardrop Gemstones 3 Aquamarines 5,400 Dosh
Blood-Red Gemstones 3 Rubies Silver Pickaxe, 7,300 Dosh
Ancient Gemstone 3 Ancient Orbs Focus Gem+, 10,000 Dosh
Reggie Produce Private Eye: Case 1 5 Cabbages Chicken Eggs, 200 Dosh
Produce Private Eye: Case 2 5 Eggplants Chicken Eggs, 200 Dosh
Produce Private Eye: Case 3 5 Pumpkins Veggie Plot Rug*, 200 Dosh
Produce Private Eye: Case 4 5 Heavenly Asparagus Earth Mana +, 200 Dosh
Castele Chapel
Pie, Please 1 Pumpkin Pie Lifeweed, 700 Dosh
Pudding, Please 1 Magical Pudding Soulweed, 1,300 Dosh
Magical Pie, Please 1 Magical Pie Marriage Rose, 600 Dosh

East Grassy Plains[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Hansel Furious Fowl Defeat 10 Razorbeaks SP Potion, 1,000 Dosh
Snake Along the Mountain Road Defeat 5 Rock Serpents Hi-SP Potion, 1,500 Dosh
Don’t Let It Go Ape Defeat 1 Fanged Ape Daredevil Aid, 2,000 Dosh
Bowtaur Ruins Holidays Defeat 1 Bowtaur Guardine +, 4,500 Dosh
Terry Protector of the Plains Defeat 10 Red Wolves HP Potion, 1,000 Dosh
Paladin Savior Defeat 5 Coyotes Hi-HP Potion, 1,500 Dosh
Spooked-Out Paladin Defeat 1 Spooky Life Cure, 2,000 Dosh

West Grassy Plains[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Fluffin The Serpentine Way of Life Defeat 6 Grass Serpents Hi-HP Potion, 2,000 Dosh
Tale the Bull by the Horns Defeat 4 Bulls Hi-SP Potion, 2,500 Dosh
Cattle Battle Defeat 1 Taurus Life Cure, 3,000 Dosh

Farley’s Plantation[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Farley The Freshest Around 3 Spring Water Cabbage, 200 Dosh
Mountain Freshness 3 Mountain Springwater Royal Eggs, 200 Dosh
Water, Water Everywhere 3 Saltless Seawater Golden Sheep Fleece, 200 Dosh
Hot Stuff 3 Hot Spring Water Celestial Leaf, 200 Dosh
Jewel Huntin’ Wadishys Defeat 10 Radishys Extra Creamy Milk, 2,000 Dosh
Huntin’ a Wadishella Defeat 1 Radishella Goat Fleece, 2,500 Dosh
Weggie See, Weggie Do Defeat 5 Radishellas Black Goat Fleece, 3,000 Dosh

Mount Snowpeak Summit[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Rocco No Running in the Snow Defeat 10 Snow Runners Hi-HP Potion, 2,000 Dosh
Big Cats in the Snow Defeat 2 Snow Leopards Hi-HP Potion, 2,500 Dosh
Snow Hazard Defeat 1 Silverfang Captain's Shield, 3,000 Dosh
Freezing Guard's Last Request Defeat 1 Ancient Dragon Icy Scales, 4,500 Dosh

Port Puerto Beach District[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Polkovich Calumnus’s Prophecy 1 3 Earth Mana Daredevil Aid, 9,000 Dosh
Calumnus’s Prophecy 2 3 Water Mana Crit Aid, 8,800 Dosh
Calumnus’s Prophecy 3 3 Fire Mana Charge Up Aid, 8,800 Dosh
Jack Archipelago Conservation Defeat 10 Punching Palms Energy Powder, 2,000 Dosh
Monster-Free Archipelago Defeat 16 Jellys Hi-Energy Powder, 2,500 Dosh
Save Tortuga, Spare No Monster Defeat 30 Dark Bats Gold Dagger, 3,000 Dosh
Champion Abroad Defeat 10 Island Crabs Golden Fin, 4,500 Dosh
Eduardo Scurvy Pirate’s Proposal 1 Good-Quality Aquamarine Ring 5,700 Dosh
I Be Needin’ a Dress 1 Good-Quality Pretty Princess Outfit 37,000 Dosh
A Flower fer Me Beauty 3 Marriage Roses Shark Hat, 200 Dosh

Port Puerto Marina[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Karin Dino Meat and Greet! 3 Dino Meat Sack of Silver, 1,400 Dosh
A Beastly Feast 3 Monster Meat Sack of Gold, 800 Dosh
Meating Demand 1 Dragon Meat Sack of Treasure, 200 Dosh
Mysterious Mythical Meat 1 Mythical Meat Swordfish Fin, 200 Dosh
Sami Swanky Barrel 1 Top-Quality Barrel Maharaja Turban, 200 Dosh
Scarecrow Coat Hanger 1 Top-Quality Scarecrow Maharaja Robe, 200 Dosh
A Chest for My Treasures 1 Top-Quality Treasure Chest Starry-Night Curtains, 800 Dosh
Chasing Rainbows 1 Good Quality Rainbow Lamp Elder Skytree Log, 50,000 Dosh
Bomba Let’s Play Pirates! Pt. 1 30 Mini Bombs Pirate Appliqué, 10,000 Dosh
Let’s Play Pirates! Pt. 2 3 Super Medium Bombs

Pirate Flag, 200 Dosh
Let’s Play Pirates! Pt. 3 1 Super Great Bomb

Pirate Costume, 200 Dosh
Pepperonita Cheer Me Up! 3 Amethysts 5,400 Dosh
Crystal Comfort 3 Emeralds 10,000 Dosh
Hear My Story 3 Sapphires Gold Pickaxe, 8,600 Dosh
Swabbie Snakeskin Scallywag 1 Great-Quality Snakeskin Boots 3 Earth Shards, 200 Dosh
Snakeskin Scallywag 2 1 Great-Quality Snakeskin Helm Fire Shards, 200 Dosh
Snakeskin Scallywag 3 1 Great-Quality Snakeskin Mail Wind Shards, 200 Dosh
Floating Workshop
A Sea-Scented Elder Log 1 Elder Palm Log 700 Dosh
Well-Dried Desert Elder Log 1 Elder Sugar Log 800 Dosh
Subterranean Elder Log 1 Elder Desert Log Sugar Axe, 200 Dosh

Port Puerto Palace Way[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Pepita Mules for Pepita 1 pair of Good-Quality Mules Shellmet, 5,900 Dosh
Sea Sarong for Pepita 1 Good-Quality Sea Sarong Shell Bottoms, 3,900 Dosh
Holiday Top for Pepita 1 Good-Quality Holiday Top Shell Cuirass, 3,300 Dosh
Honey Honey, Fetch Me a Bow! 1 Great-Quality Pine Bow Forest Lordfish Moss, 2,500 Dosh
Leave Everything to Honey! 1 Great-Quality Sugar Bow Antenna Lantern, 7,300 Dosh
Honey Tries Again 1 Great-Quality Orca Bow Swordfish Fin, 19,000 Dosh
Gibbs Speedy Postman 5 Running Flowers Medium Bomb, 200 Dosh
Lucky Postman 5 Lucky Flowers Sleep Bomb, 200 Dosh
Energetic Postman 5 Energizing Flowers Love Bomb, 200 Dosh
Old-Fashion Postman 10 Ancient Flowers Energising Stone +, 200 Dosh
Lilac The Truth about Crocturtle 1 Timeworn Shell 5 Life Cure, 200 Dosh
Tale of the Beast Tail 1 Beast Tail Elixir, 200 Dosh
Gelatinous Creature 1 King Gel 3 Shadow Mana, 200 Dosh
Crab Shell Beauty Tea 3 Black Crab Shells Light Mana, 200 Dosh
Cocina Rica
Quality Lava Prawns 3 Lava Prawns Super Prawn Gratin*, 200 Dosh
Quality Desert Tuna 3 Desert Tuna Super Tuna Sashimi*, 800 Dosh
Quality Icy Squid 3 Icy Squid Super Rice-Stuffed Squid*, 200 Dosh
Quality Fossilfish 3 Fossilfish Ancient Shell, 4,300 Dosh

Port Puerto Palace[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Polly Polly Wants Some Palm Nuts 15 Palm Nuts Glittering Coral, 200 Dosh
Please Feed the Bird 10 Sugar Nuts Rainbow Shell, 200 Dosh
Nuts to You 5 Giant Tree Nuts Angelic Puff, 800 Dosh

Tortuga Archipelago[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Shelldon Zombie Cleanup 1 Defeat 15 Zombie Pirates Mega Aid, 3,000 Dosh
Zombie Cleanup 2 Defeat 5 Angry Zombies Mega Aid, 3,500 Dosh
Zombie Cleanup 3 Defeat 30 Zombie Pirates Sea Necklace, 4,000 Dosh
Danny Piranha-Free Waters Defeat 8 Toothy Piranhas Healing Powder, 2,000 Dosh
Shark Removal Defeat 5 Bitey Sharks Maxheal Dust, 2,500 Dosh
Turtanic Shell Defeat 1 Turtanic Crit Aid, 3,000 Dosh
Alejandro’s Beach Hut
Help Me, Stranger! 1 Super Legendary Corn* Black-Onyx Ring, 200 Dosh
Fancy Fish 1 Super Fancy Sashimi Set* Diamond Ring, 20,000 Dosh
Roast with the Most 1 Super Roast of Legend* Foreign Frying Pan, 10,000 Dosh
Help Me! Good Friend 1 Super Glorious Dinner* Antenna Lantern, 6,900 Dosh

Al Maajik Outskirts[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Simra Prehistoric Hunting Defeat 8 Pterodactyls Mega Aid, 2,000 Dosh
Desert Dogfight Defeat 4 Burly Gorillas Mega Aid, 2,500 Dosh
Spooktacular Hunt Defeat 1 Desert Spook Daredevil Aid, 3,000 Dosh
A Gigataur Task Defeat 1 Gigataur Fossil Shard, 4,500 Dosh
Chai Forest Furnishings 1 1 Forest Low Table Rainbow Feather, 3,600 Dosh
Forest Furnishings 2 1 Forest Sofa Frosty Feather, 200 Dosh
Forest Furnishings 3 1 Forest Bed Lightning Feather, 300 Dosh
Saffron Desert Patrol 1 Defeat 10 Outlaws Mega Aid, 2,500 Dosh
Desert Patrol 2 Defeat 5 Outlaw Leaders Elixir, 3,000 Dosh
Desert Patrol 3 Defeat 30 Outlaws Beastly Necklace, 3,500 Dosh
Deskovich Bone Dragon Resurrection 1 5 Dragon Leg Bones Magic Spray, 9,700 Dosh
Bone Dragon Resurrection 2 3 Dragon Vertebrae Resistance Spray, 5,500 Dosh
Bone Dragon Resurrection 3 3 Dragon Skulls Power Spray, 5,500 Dosh

Al Maajik Sandtown[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Jem Cautious Adventuring 3 Super Hi-HP Potions* Star Cluster, 200 Dosh
Short and Sweet 1 Good-Quality Short Cape Star Cluster, 12,000 Dosh
Fast Track to Friendship 1 Good-Quality Gold Pickaxe Sun Cluster, 5,100 Dosh
Calumnus Dragonfly Divination 3 Dragonflies Spiritual Powder, 200 Dosh
Under a Stained-Glass Sky 5 Stained-Glass Butterflies Evil Wings, 4,800 Dosh
Champion of the Skies 10 Champion Beetles 3 Unknown Life Form, 8,700 Dosh
Demonic Insects 10 Demonic Grasshoppers 5 Shadow Mana, 37,000 Dosh
Vincent Risky Ravine Defeat 20 Jackals Maxheal Dust, 2,500 Dosh
Safety in the Sand Defeat 16 Angry Cactos Hi-Energy Powder, 3,000 Dosh
Subterranean Safety Defeat 10 Arachne Swallow Tail, 3,500 Dosh
Omar Al Maajik Medicine Run 10 Vitalweeds Super HP Potion*, 200 Dosh
Cacto Cove Medicine Run 8 Soulweeds Super Hi-HP Potion*, 4,700 Dosh
Terra Nimbus Medicine Run 5 Legendweeds Super Mega Aid*, 200 Dosh
Al Maajik General Goods
It’s All So Blurry 1 Great-Quality Stylish Specs Yellow Gel, 11,000 Dosh
Granny Accessorizes 1 Great-Quality Black-Rimmed Glasses Black Gel, 14,000 Dosh
Granny’s Cool Shades 1 Great-Quality Wild Side Shades Pink Gel, 25,000 Dosh
The Watering Hole
The World Traveler 1 Super Saurus Leg* Sack of Gold, 4,200 Dosh
Rough Days Like This... 1 Super Monster Roast* Sack of Treasure, 2,800 Dosh
The Dragon Within 1 Super Sautéed Dragon* Rogue's Dagger, 1,800 Dosh
Bazaar Workshop
Present for Father Dearest 1 Sweet Fish Pastry* 2,400 Dosh
Snoot’s Tantrum 1 Starry-Night Sofa Black Onyx, 5,200 Dosh
Snoot’s Legacy 1 Top-Quality Maajik Blade Diamond, 34,000 Dosh
A Son's Love 3 Hermit's Drink Evil Shard, 200 Dosh
Bazaar Workshop
Log of the Earth 1 Earth Log Chair of Atonement, 200 Dosh
Waterlogged 1 Water Log Bloodthirsty Table, 200 Dosh
A Log in the Fire 1 Fire Log Starry-Night Sofa, 200 Dosh

Al Maajik Spelltown[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Zerk Dark Knight Zerk 1 Great-Quality Magic Helm M. Def. Upgrade Stone, 18,000 Dosh
Maajikal Blacksmith? 1 Great-Quality Magic Cuirass Def. Upgrade Stone, 22,000 Dosh
The Final Chance 1 Great-Quality Demonic Void Attack Upgrade Stone, 55,000 Dosh
Khubz Rainbow Hunter 15 Rainbow Apples Magical Pie, 700 Dosh
Rising Rainbow 10 Rainbow Shells Magical Pudding, 13,000 Dosh
Over the Rainbow 5 Rainbow Trout Magical Omelette, 1,600 Dosh
Akim Akim’s Kitchen Warfare 1 Bigbeak Egg Dino Meat, 1,100 Dosh
Akim’s Food Fight 1 Blizzard Egg Monster Meat, 1,900 Dosh
Akim’s Last Stand 1 Thunder Egg Dragon Meat, 2,300 Dosh
A Golden Opportunity 1 Golden Egg Dark Scales, 300 Dosh
Al Maajik Library of Magic
Ornately Ornate 1 Ornamental Carp Red-Rimmed Glasses, 200 Dosh
Shiver Me Flounders! 1 Pirate Carp Unsettling stone floor, 200 Dosh
Sandy Seas 1 Evil Carp Nightmare Bed, 3,300 Dosh
Fishy Research 1 Goddess Carp Giant Scale, 200 Dosh

Dark Sultan’s Fortress[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Dress to Impress 1 Good-Quality Sandy Boots 4,300 Dosh
Signs of a True Gentleman 1 Good-Quality Sandy Headwear Dragon Appliqué, 6,300 Dosh
New Look, New Life! 1 Good-Quality Sandy Brigandine Maajiknight Statue, 4,000 Dosh

Drysand Desert (Aridian Desert)[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Rudy Mummy’s the Word Defeat 8 Mummies Life Cure, 2,000 Dosh
Bringing Down the Bats Defeat 4 Wingmons Life Cure, 2,500 Dosh
The Failed Adventurer Defeat 1 King Cobra Elixir, 3,000 Dosh
Abahkus The Desert Merchant 1 1 Sinister Branch 7,200 Dosh
The Desert Merchant 2 1 Evil Shard 8,400 Dosh
The Desert Merchant 3 1 Wasabi Grinning Hat, 200 Dosh
The Desert Merchant 4 1 Yggdrasil Branch Giant Horn, 200 Dosh

Elderwood Village[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Leif Raingear Tree 1 Umbrella Tree Clover Rug, 200 Dosh
Sea-Breeze-Scented Tree 1 Yucca Forest Low Table, 200 Dosh
Blooming with Joy 1 Smiley Flower Forest Curtains, 200 Dosh
Lovely Little Weeds 10 Goldweeds Forest Lordfish Moss, 9,300 Dosh

Plushling Camp[]

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Kevin Delicious Dandelion Puff 30 Dandelion Puffs 10 Heavenly Peach, 200 Dosh
Scrumptious Sunny Puff 20 Sunny Puffs 5 Stained-Glass Butterfly, 200 Dosh
Appetizing Angelic Puff 10 Angelic Puffs 3 Floaty Pufferfish, 200 Dosh
Detectable Divine Puff 10 Divine Puffs Celestial Scales, 200 Dosh

Central Grassland[]

This area is only available with the Origin Island DLC.

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Achilles Floaty Fears Defeat 10 Dark Wisps Ancient Stone, 3,500 Dosh
Super Floaty Fears Defeat 1 Darkzine Rainbow Mana +, 5,500 Dosh
Mega Floaty Fears Defeat 1 Calamitus Element Zero, 6,500 Dosh
Daphne Paladin Maniac 1 Good-Quality Origin Island Doublet Relic Sword, 24,000 Dosh
Knight in Colorful Armor 1 Rainbow Robe Ancient Shield, 52,000 Dosh
Gear for a Goddess 1 Valkyrie Helm Queen Gel, 55,000 Dosh
Sally Home, Sweet Marshmall-Home 3 Marshmallow Nuts Angelic Butterfly, 200 Dosh
Giga Giga Girl 1 Giga Gigaga Log Yggdrasil Branch, 200 Dosh
Beetle Buddies 1 Champion Beetle Divine Bomb, 200 Dosh
Napollon A Lovers' Tale: Chapter 1 3 Rare Metal Fluffkin Fuzzband*, 8,400 Dosh
A Lovers' Tale: Chapter 2 1 Giant Beast's Horn Rainbow Gelato, 5,400 Dosh
A Lovers' Tale: Chapter 3 1 Prism Jewel Phoenix Frying Pan, 200 Dosh
Mallow Like Divine Bees to Honey 3 Remote Island Honey Cherrybell, 300 Dosh
Fashion and Fruit 3 Divine Berries Creator Appliqué, 500 Dosh
Of Boughs and Blades 3 Elder Skytree Logs Crabtastrophe, 200 Dosh
Mana Claws for Thought 5 Crab Claws Ancient Seashell, 2,400 Dosh
Spe-shell Delivery 1 Black Crab Shell Divine Ribbon, 1,500 Dosh
Shelltacular! 1 Ancient Shell Bon Bon-Bon*, 200 Dosh

Forest Shrine[]

This area is only available with the Origin Island DLC.

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Homeros Tribal Investigations Defeat 10 Tribal Tykes Angelic Remedy, 5,500 Dosh
Strongtaur Studies Defeat 1 Strongtaur Miracle, 6,000 Dosh
Shadowy Survey Defeat 5 Shadow Protectors Luck Potion, 6,500 Dosh
Gladys Hip 'n' Healthy 1 Good-Quality Fluffkin Fuzzband* Heavenly Asparagus, 27,000 Dosh
Heavenly Health 1 Super Miracle* Divine Beast Skin, 9,000 Dosh
Hard-Boiled Health 1 Super Hot Spring Egg* Ancient Dragon's Scale, 200 Dosh
Tate Mushroom Munchkin 3 Fossil Mushrooms Boiled Bamboo Shoot, 200 Dosh
Truffle Taster 3 Gigaga Truffles Divine Berries, 3,800 Dosh
Bring Home the Broccoil 3 Broccoli Exquisite Feather, 200 Dosh

Penguin Beach[]

This area is only available with the Origin Island DLC.

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Sandor Fishy Kisses 5 Kissylips Angelfish Black Crab Shell, 7,700 Dosh
Fishy Rainbows 1 Rainbow Sunfish Divine Bird's Feather, 200 Dosh
Fishy Love 1 Giant Sea Bream of Love Victory Fishing Rod, 200 Dosh
Furkley* The Solitary Gigaga Gourmet 3 Fluffy Roast Fossilfish, 14,000 Dosh
Fishy Giga Gourmet 1 Super Dark Giant Stew* Rainbow Sunfish, 60,000 Dosh
Sashimi Giga Gourmet 1 Super Sky Sashimi Set* Otherworldly Fin, 18,000 Dosh
Fluffkin Grotto
Furlassso's Humble Beginnings 3 White Gels Fluffkin Chair*, 200 Dosh
Furlassso in Love 2 Pink Gels Rainbow Lamp, 200 Dosh
Furlassso Finds His Muse 1 Queen Gel Astral Window, 200 Dosh
Fluffkin Grotto
New Thread 3 Rainbow Threads Ancient Coral, 1,000 Dosh
Sewing with Confidence 2 spools of Divine Ribbon Rainbow Hood, 200 Dosh
Reverian Inspiration 1 Top-Quality Pretty Princess Outfit Rainbow Robe, 19,000 Dosh

Rocky Hill Shrine[]

This area is only available with the Origin Island DLC.

Issuer Request Name Task Reward
Orion Mighty Helm, Miniature Hero 1 Rune Helm Cruel Fang, 32,000 Dosh
Sturdy Shield, Scrawny Soldier 1 Ancient Shield Giant Beast's Horn, 40,000 Dosh
Biting Sword, Bite-size Knight 1 Top-Quality Joyeuse Prism Jewel, 42,000 Dosh
Maeryn From a Lady to a Lord 1 1 Good-Quality Cloud Curtains Fluffy Roast, 50,000 Dosh
From a Lady to a Lord 2 1 Good-Quality Cloud Bed Mushroom Medley, 69,000 Dosh
From a Lady to a Lord 3 1 Bon Bon-Bon* Ancient Orb, 20,000 Dosh
Sir Loin Wild-Beast Meat for Breakfast 3 Wild Beast Meat Rare Metal, 200 Dosh
Giant-Beast Meat for Lunch 1 Giant-Beast Meat Dark Stone, 200 Dosh
Dragon Meat for Dinner 3 Dragon Meat Ancient Shield, 200 Dosh