Fantasy Life Wiki
Fantasy Life Wiki
採掘師, (Japanese)
Miner Transparent
"Arm yourself with your trusty pickaxe, and get ready to rock some rocks! A cornucopia of precious metals lie in wait deep underground. Can you dig it?"
Weapon Dagger (Default)
Tool Pickaxe
Class information
Life type Gathering
Master Duglas
Characters Daniel, Rocque, Mary, Molan, Moleo, Molina
Game introduced Fantasy Life

The Miner is a Life you can choose in the game Fantasy Life. It is one of 12 Lives that can be chosen at any time during the game by visiting the Guild Master (except during a story mission).

The Miner uses pickaxes to mine ores, minerals, and other items from rocks around Reveria.

The Miner's Life Shop is located in the Royal Cabin Well at Mount Snowpeak Summit.


Rank Stars Strength Focus
Novice 0 - -
Fledgling 100 +2 +1
Apprentice 500 +4 +2
Adept 1200 +6 +3
Expert 4000 +8 +4
Master 8000 +12 +6
Hero 12000 +16 +8
Legend 17500 +20 +10
God/Creator 30000 +24 +12


When the player chooses the Miner life, they learn 1 skill: Mining. The max skill level is 15 (20 with the DLC). To unlock the new cap, you must reach Legend rank and talk to Divinus with the Miner Life activated. He will increase the cap of this skill to 20 and upgrade the licence to God-in-Training rank.

Icon Name Description
Mining Skill Mining Your proficiency at mining. Raise your skill level to increase your selection of pickaxes and your ability to mine larger, more difficult spots.

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When leveling a life, the player will gain several abilities. This abilities help by improving the life itself. Below is a list of Miner abilities:

  • Swing
    • It's the first ability unlocked which allows to mine ores by pressing the A button. By doing it the player loses SP
  • Fierce Swing
    • At Novice rank, the Fierce Swing ability is unlocked, allowing to execute a greater swing which cost a little more SP by holding A button.
  • Smash Hit
    • At Novice rank, the Smash Hit ability is unlocked, allowing to execute a powerful swing that cost more SP by pressing X button.
  • Ore Breaker
    • Upon reaching Apprentice, the ability Ore Breaker is unlocked, allowing to execute a even more powerful swing, also costing more SP, by holding X button.
  • Ore Buster
    • At Expert rank, the Ore Buster ability is unlocked, allowing to execute an especially powerful swing, costing much more SP, by holding X button for more time.
  • Terra Former
    • Upon reaching the Adept rank, the ability Terra Former is unlocked, allowing the special skill gauge to be chargeable. Once fully charged, it can be used by pressing X button. This unleash a powerful special skill attack.
  • Earthly Treasures
    • At Master rank, the Terra Former ability becomes Earthly Treasures, increasing the power of the special skill attack.
  • Bedrock Break
    • At God/Creator rank, the Earthly Treasures ability becomes Bedrock Break, further increasing the power of the special skill attack.
  • Let's Rock!
    • Upon reaching God/Creator, the ability Let's Rock! is unlocked, allowing the special skill gauge to be chargeable twice. Once double-charged, this ability unleash the Mystic skill attack, which is the most powerful strike that the miners can use.


The Miner uses pickaxes to mine ores, minerals, and other items from rocks around Reveria. Pickaxes can be obtained from:

  • Shops that are all over the world
  • Enemy Drops and Bounties
  • Treasure chests that are all over the world
  • NPCs such as King Erik Stone
  • Crafted by Blacksmiths

Some of them come with special effects useful to mine, and players with a Blacksmith's Licence can craft their own pickaxes with unique effects. To see full list of effects, visit Crafting Effects.

View Pickaxes List
Picture Item Rarity Skill Level Normal Good Quality Great Quality Top Quality Divine Quality Special Effect Lives
Beginner's Pickaxe
Beginner's Pickaxe 0 Stars 1 6 6 6 6 6 ------ All
Bronze Pickaxe
Bronze Pickaxe 0 Stars 1 9 10 12 14 16 ------ All
Iron Pickaxe
Iron Pickaxe 1 Stars 2 12 14 16 18 20 ------ All
Silver Pickaxe
Silver Pickaxe 2 Stars 3 16 18 21 23 26 ------ All
Gold Pickaxe
Gold Pickaxe 3 Stars 4 20 23 26 29 32 ------ All
Lava Pickaxe
Lava Pickaxe 3 Stars 5 24 27 30 34 37 Wingstone damage + All
Deep Sea Pickaxe
Deep Sea Pickaxe 3 Stars 6 30 34 38 42 46 Charged attack power + All
Ancient Pickaxe
Ancient Pickaxe 4 Stars 7 36 40 45 49 54 Great-deposit damage + All
Mole Pickaxe
Mole Pickaxe 4 Stars 8 44 49 54 60 65 Sweet Spot area + All
Solar Pickaxe
Solar Pickaxe 5 Stars 11 54 60 66 73 79 Rare drops + (mining) Miner icon 1
Gigaga Pickaxe
Gigaga Pickaxe OI 5 Stars 12 50 56 62 68 74 Max Sweet Spot strikes + All
Demonic Pickaxe
Demonic Pickaxe OI 5 Stars 13 65 72 80 87 95 Sweet Spot strike power + All
Spirit Pickaxe
Spirit Pickaxe OI 5 Stars 15 70 78 86 94 102 Special deposit damage + Miner icon 1

Miner NPC List[]

There are a number of other Miner class NPCs around Reveria who unlock challenges, provide equipment, and offer unique dialogue. Talk to these NPCs when they have a ? icon over their heads.


  • Master Duglas (Life Master): Castele Mine - East Castele
    • Unlocks "Dragon Scab Scramble" (Adept)
    • Gives Miner's Trophy (Master)
    • Unlocks "Diamond: Excavated!" (Hero)
    • Joins party at God/Creator (when the special request is initially accepted)
    • Unlocks Miner God Special Request
  • Daniel: Castele Mine (Day), Just outside Castele Mine (Night) - East Castele
    • Unlocks "Pebbles in the Wind" (Apprentice)
    • Unlocks "Water Wings" (Adept)
    • Gives Focus Gem (Expert)
    • Gives another Focus Gem (God-in-Training/Demi Creator)
  • Mary (US Version: Ruby): Castele Artisans' District (Day), Duglas' House (Night)
    • Gives Steak x2 (Fledgling)
    • Unlocks "An After Mining Mint" (Fledgling)
    • Unlocks "Ancient History" (Expert)
    • Gives Lava Pickaxe (Master)
    • Gives 3 Superior SP Powders (God-in-Training/Demi-Creator)
  • Molan (mole): Castele Mine - East Castele

Port Puerto[]

  • Manuel: Snoot's Emporium (Day)- Port Puerto Palace Way; Port Puerto Inn (Night)- Port Puerto Marina
  • Moleo (mole): Near South Beach - Port Puerto Beach District

Al Maajik[]

  • Angela: Near Eastern Shops (Day), The Watering Hole (Night) - Al Maajik Sandtown
    • Unlocks "Earthly Wings" (Expert)
    • Joins party at Master
    • Gives Unknown Life-Form (God/Creator)
  • Rocque: Near Desert Entrance (Day), The Watering Hole (Night) - Al Maajik Outskirts
    • Gives Silver Pickaxe (Fledgling)
    • Joins party at Adept
    • Unlocks "Have a Little Heart" (Master)
    • Gives 3 Superior Barley Juice (God-in-Training/Demi-Creator)


Class Challenges reward the player with Stars which accumulate to raise the rank of the player within their selected Life Class. Talk to Master Duglas to cash in challenge rewards.

The U.S. Localization has differing names for many challenges. As such they will be listed after the U.K. localization names.


Challenge Instructions Stars
Newbie Miner Meet with Duglas over at the mines and learn the art of mining. 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Miner SMAAAAASH! Use Smash Hit (Press X) 10 times while mining. 30
Castele: Mines Excavated! Mine 5 pieces of Castele Copper in the Castele Outskirts or the Grassy Plains. 30
Don't Stop Minin'! Mine 10 pieces of Castele Copper in the Castele Outskirts or the Grassy Plains. 50
Topaz Trouble Mine 1 Topaz, typically found in Superior Copper Ore Deposits in Haniwa Cave. 50
Haniwa Shuffle Mine 3 Topazes, typically found in Superior Copper Ore Deposits in Haniwa Cave. 80
Mellow Yellow Mine 1 Yellow Stone, typically found in Superior Copper Ore Deposits in Haniwa Cave. 50
Rock Hard Lemon Mine 3 Yellow Stones, typically found in Superior Copper Ore Deposits in Haniwa Cave. 80
An After Mining Mint Mine 10 pieces of Minty Ore in the Castele Suburbs or the Grassy Plains. 100
Rocky Path Mine a total of 50 times. This can be done anywhere and any ore deposit will do! 80

Challenge Instructions Stars
Ore Breaker Use Ore Breaker (X Charged Attack) a total of 10 times 50
Plains Iron: Excavated! Mine 1 piece of Plains Iron in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 50
Ironing Things Out Mine 5 pieces of Plains Iron in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 80
Don't Forget to Be Ore-Some Mine 1 Aquamarine, typically found in Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 100
H2Awesome! Mine 3 Aquamarines, typically found in Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 150
Feeling a Little Blue Mine 1 Blue Stone, typically found in Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 100
Out of the Blue Mine 3 Blue Stones, typically found in Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 150
Refreshingly Tough! Mine 10 pieces of Quality Minty Ore from Silver Deposits or Platinum Deposits around Reveria. 100
Pebbles in the Wind Mine 1 Wind Wingstone from Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 150
Ho, Ho! A Miner's Life for Me! Mine a total of 100 times. This can be done anywhere and any ore will do! 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Port Puerto: Excavated! Mine 1 piece of Port Puerto Silver from the Port Puerto's Beach District or Tortuga Archipelago. 80
Slip Me Some Silver Mine 5 pieces of Port Puerto Silver from the Port Puerto's Beach District or Tortuga Archipelago. 150
Ocean Ore Mine 1 piece of Marine Ore from Tortuga Archipelago's Nautilus Cave. 150
Ocean's Bounty Mine 3 pieces of Marine Ore from Tortuga Archipelago's Nautilus Cave. 250
Is it Hot Here, Ore Is It Just Me? Mine 1 piece of Magma Ore from Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 150
Cavern's Bounty Mine 3 pieces of Magma Ore from Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 250
Like a Grape but NOT! Mine 1 Purple Stone, typically found in Superior Marine Ore Deposits in the Nautilus Cave. 180
Pretty in...Purple? Mine 3 Purple Stones, typically found in Superior Marine Ore Deposits in the Nautilus Cave. 250
Royal Ruby Obtain 1 Ruby, typically found in Superior Red Ore Deposit in Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 180
Ruby Red Mine 3 Rubies, typically found in Superior Red Ore Deposit in Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 250
The Dreamstone Mine 1 Amethyst, typically found in Superior Marine Ore Deposit in the Nautilus Cave. 180
Violet Attack Obtain 3 Amethysts, typically found in Superior Marine Ore Deposit in the Nautilus Cave. 250
Water Wings Mine 1 Water Wingstone from the Nautilus Cave, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 300
Dragon Scab Scramble Mine 1 Dragon Scab from Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave, Then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 450
Pickaxe the Pace! Mine a total of 200 times. This can be done anywhere and any ore will do! 250

Challenge Instructions Stars
Bust Some Ore! Use Ore Buster (X Supercharged attack) 10 times while mining 150
Al Maajik Gold: Excavated! Mine 1 piece of Al Maajik Gold in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Drysand Desert. 150
Gleaming Gold Mine 5 pieces of Al Maajik Gold in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Drysand Desert. 250
The Hip Bone's Connected to...? Mine 1 Dragon Leg Bone from the Drysand Desert's Cave of Bones. 300
The Bone Collector Mine 1 Dragon Vertebrae fossil from the Drysand Desert's Cave of Bones. 300
Bone-a-Fide Expert! Mine 1 Dragon Skull from the Drysand Desert's Cave of Bones. 300
Sand Rocks! Mine 5 pieces of Sandstone in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Drysand Desert. 150
Mean Green Mine 1 Emerald in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Drysand Desert. 200
Green With Envy Mine 3 Emeralds in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Drysand Desert. 400
Wings of Fire Mine 1 Fire Wingstone from somewhere in the Drysand Desert, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 600
Earthy Wings Mine 1 Earth Wingstone from the Drysand Desert's Subterranean Lake, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 800
Ancient History Mine the Enormous Ancient Fossil in the Cave of Bones, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. Talk to Ruby to unlock. 900
300th Time's a Charm Mine a total of 300 times. This can be done anywhere and any ore will do! 300

Challenge Instructions Stars
Push It to the Limit Use Earthly Treasures (X with a full Special Skill Gauge) 10 times. 250
Playing with Platinum Obtain 1 piece of Platinum Ore by Mining Platinum Deposits at the Summit of Mount Snowpeak. 250
Take It to the Top Mine 5 pieces of Platinum Ore by Mining Platinum Deposits at the Summit of Mount Snowpeak. 400
Simply Enchanting! Mine 1 piece of Magic Ore from the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins. 300
Arcane Minerals Mine 3 pieces of Magic Ore from the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins. 500
Sapphire Saver Mine 1 Sapphire, typically found in Superior Platinum Deposits at the Summit of Mount Snowpeak. 400
Bathed in Blue Mine 3 Sapphires, typically found in Superior Platinum Deposits at the Summit of Mount Snowpeak. 600
Gather, Ye Darkness! Mine 1 piece of Black Onyx from the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins. 400
I'll Get Right Onyx! Mine 3 pieces of Black Onyx from the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins. 600
Have a Little Heart Mine 1 Dark Heart from the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 1200
Miner 4 Life Mine a total of 400 times. This can be done anywhere and any ore will do! 500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Celestial Ore: Excavated! Mine 1 piece of Celestial Ore on Levitania. 500
The Sky's The Limit Mine 5 pieces of Celestial Ore on Levitania. 800
Diamond: Excavated! Obtain 1 Diamond by mining deposits on Levitania. 500
You Mined HOW Much?! Mine a total of 500 times. This can be done anywhere and any ore will do! 500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Swinging in the Dark Mine 1 piece of Dark Ore from Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine. 1500
Pitch Black Mine 5 pieces of Dark Ores from Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine. 1500
Mine It White Now! Mine 1 piece of Chalk Ore on Origin Island. 1500
Blindingly Brilliant Rocks Mine 5 pieces of Chalk Ores on Origin Island. 1500
Who Turned Out the Lights? Mine 1 Dark Stone from Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 1500
Holy Stones! Mine 1 Divine Stone on Origin Island, then cash in the Bounty as a Miner. 2500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Duglas's Miner Special Request Mine a Golem Stone in Mount Snowpeak's Lava Cave. N/A

