Fantasy Life Wiki
Fantasy Life Wiki
傭兵, Yōhei
Mercenary Transparent
"Allegiance to none, a soldier to all. You only need your trusty blade and keen skills to get the job done. Oversized claymore totally included!"
Weapon Greatsword
Tool {{{tool}}}
Class information
Life type Combat
Master Cervantes
Characters Cervantes, Jude, Bard, Miguel, Gustaf, Melusine, Santos
Game introduced Fantasy Life

The Mercenary is a Life you can choose in the game Fantasy Life. It is one of 12 Lives that can be chosen at any time during the game by visiting the Guild Master (except during a story mission).

The Mercenary uses greatswords to inflict great damage to enemies in close combat. As it is two-handed the player can not use a shield while wielding a greatsword. Greatswords are the weapons with the highest damage in the game but with a slower attack speed.

The Mercenary's Life Shop is in Al Maajik Spelltown.


Rank Stars Hp Strength
Novice 0 - -
Fledgling 100 +10+2
Apprentice 300 +20+4
Adept 1200 +30+6
Expert 3600 +40+8
Master 7500 +60+12
Hero 15000 +90+16
Legend 21000 +120+20
God/Creator 33000 +150+24


When the player chooses the Mercenary life, they learn 1 skill: Greatsword. The max skill level is 15 (20 with the DLC). To unlock the new cap, you must reach Legend rank and talk to Divinus with the Mercenary Life activated. He will increase the cap of this skill to 20 and upgrade the licence to God-in-Training rank.

Icon Name Description
Greatsword Skill Greatsword Your proficiency with greatswords. Raise your skill level to increase your selection of greatswords and boost your attack power.

- - - -


A Mercenary uses greatswords to inflict slow but powerful damage to enemies.

When reaching God/Creator rank with Mercenary, the player gains the ability "Berserker" which can be activated when the player has a double charged Skill Gauge. When activated, Berserker gives a x2 buff to damage dealt and constantly refills the player's Skill Gauge for one minute.


The Mercenaries uses greatswords to inflict great damage to enemies in close combat at the cost of attack speed. Greatswords can be obtained from:

  • Shops that are all over the world
  • Enemy Drops and Bounties
  • Treasure chests that are all over the world
  • NPCs such as King Erik Stone
  • Crafted by Blacksmiths

Some of them come with special effects useful to fight certain enemies, and players with a Blacksmith's Licence can craft their own weapons with unique effects. To see full list of effects, visit Crafting Effects.

View Greatswords List
Picture Item Rarity Skill Level Normal Good Quality Great Quality Top Quality Divine Quality Special Effect Lives
Novice's Claymore
Novice's Claymore 0 Stars 1 12 12 12 12 12 ------ All
Bronze Claymore
Bronze Claymore 0 Stars 1 20 23 26 29 32 ------ All
Iron Claymore
Iron Claymore 1 Stars 1 32 36 40 44 48 ------ All
Silver Claymore
Silver Claymore 2 Stars 2 46 51 57 62 68 ------ All
Gold Claymore
Gold Claymore 3 Stars 3 60 67 74 81 88 ------ All
Arcana Blade
Arcana Blade 3 Stars 4 74 82 90 99 107 Critical rate ++ Mercenary icon 1
Flamberge 3 Stars 5 80 89 98 ??? 116 Fire element + Mercenary icon 1
Demonic Void
Demonic Void 4 Stars 6 99 109 120 131 142 S. Skill charge rate x1.5 Mercenary icon 1
Giga Buster
Giga Buster 5 Stars 7 105 ? ? ? ? Strength +10 Mercenary icon 1
Champion's Blade
Champion's Blade 5 Stars 8 110 ? ? ? 158 Battle EXP + (+10%) All
Crescent Blade
Crescent Blade 5 Stars 10 120 133 146 159 172 Critical rate +++ Mercenary icon 1
Crabtastrophe 5 Stars 12 112 ? ? ? ? Water element +++ All
Odin's Blade
Odin's Blade 5 Stars 12 132 132 132 132 132 S. Skill charge rate +25% All
Sword of Heroes
Sword of Heroes 5 Stars 12 160 177 194 211 228 God Mode Time ++ All
Berserker's Rage
Berserker's Rage 5 Stars 15 132 146 160 174 188 SP recovery speed +++ Mercenary icon 1
Lunares Blade
Lunares Blade 5 Stars 15 140 ? ? ? 200 Special Skill damage + Mercenary icon 1
Furia del Mar
Furia del Mar 5 Stars 15 220 220 220 220 220 Attack +30 All

Mercenary NPC List[]

There are a number of other Mercenary class NPCs around Reveria who unlock challenges, provide equipment, and offer unique dialogue. Talk to these NPCs when they have a ? icon over their heads.


East Grassy Plains[]

Port Puerto[]

Al Maajik[]

Cacto Cove[]


Class Challenges reward the player with Stars, which accumulate to raise the rank of the player within their selected Life Class. Talk to Master Cervantes to cash in challenge rewards.


Challenge Instructions Stars
The Mercenary's Path Meet Mercenary master Cervantes and learn to swing a sword 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Full Power! Time to power up! Use Full Swing ( (A) charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters. 30
A Monster... Carrot? As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Carroty in the East Grassy Plains. 30
Slicin' and Dicin'! As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Carrotys in the East Grassy Plains. 40
Carrot King As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Carrotys in the East Grassy Plains. 50
Masked Menace As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Dragon Mustard in the East Grassy Plains. 50
Back to your Roots Defeat 1 Carrotella somewhere in the East Grassy Plains. 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Shocking Strength! Use Shockwave ( (X) charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters. 50
Cut 'em Down! Can you make the cut? Use Cross-Cut (press (A) 4 times) to defeat 10 monsters. 50
Ginger Greetings As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Gingery in the Elderwood. 50
Ginger Slicer As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Gingery in the Elderwood. 70
The Ginger Guru As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Gingery in the Elderwood. 90
Simply Radishing As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Radishy in the West Grassy Plains. 50
Totally Rad..ish As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Radishy in the West Grassy Plains. 70
Eradishcation As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Radishy in the West Grassy Plains. 90
Tortortoise Trouble As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Tortortoise in the West Grassy Plains. 50
Tortortoise Trauma As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Tortortoises in the West Grassy Plains. 70
Tortortoise Tormentor As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Tortortoises in the West Grassy Plains. 90
Crocodile Capers As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Armored Croc in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 50
Croc Killer As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Armored Crocs in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 70
Crocodile Champ As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Armored Crocs in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 90
Savage Salad Defeat 1 Radishella in the West Grassy Plains, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 150
Un-bear-able Defeat 1 Plains Bear in the Elderwood, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 200

Challenge Instructions Stars
Hurricane Hero! Use Hurricane (Press A during Cross-Cut) to defeat 10 monsters. 80
Turtortle Trails As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Turtortle on the beaches of Tortuga Archipelago. 80
Turtortle Tour As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Turtortles on the beaches of Tortuga Archipelago. 120
Turtortle, or not Turtortle? As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Turtortles on the beaches of Tortuga Archipelago. 150
Angry Alligators As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Green Gator on the beaches of Tortuga Archipelago. 80
See Ya Later, Alligator! As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Green Gators on the beaches of Tortuga Archipelago. 120
The Eradigator As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Green Gators on the beaches of Tortuga Archipelago. 150
In a While, Crocodile! Defeat 1 Croc on Tortuga Archipelago. 180
Crocodiles? Turtle? ...Crocturtle?! Defeat 1 Crocturtle in Nautilus Cave, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 250
Attack of the Turtle Titan! Defeat 1 Turtanic somewhere on Tortuga Archipelago, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 400
The Silverfang Defeat 1 Silverfang on top of Mt Snowpeak, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 500
B-B-B-Behemoth! As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Behemoth in the Subterranean Lake. 500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Heavy Metal Let's crank it up! Use Heavy Swing (A supercharged attack) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
Shocktastic! Let's shock 'n' roll! Defeat 10 enemies using the Super Shockwave (X supercharged attack) technique. 150
Bladestorm Let's whip up a storm! Defeat 10 enemies using the Tornado Shot technique (press A after Cross-Cut). 150
A Spiky Situation As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Cacto in Cacto Cove. 150
A Prickly Pest As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Cactos in Cacto Cove. 200
Thorn in my Side As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Cactos in Cacto Cove. 250
A Tale of Two Thorns As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Flowering Cacto on Cacto Cove. 250
A Course Encounter As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Angry Cacto in the Drysand Desert. 150
The Pacifier As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Angry Cactos in the Drysand Desert. 200
Cacto King As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Angry Cactos in the Drysand Desert. 250
Grin and Bear It Defeat 1 Killer Bear in the Deep Elderwood, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 600
Shadows in the Sand Defeat 1 Desert Tyrant by the Ancient Ruins, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. (From Melusine on Cacto Cove) 700

Challenge Instructions Stars
Eruption! Use Volcano (X with a full Special Skill gauge) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
Copycat, Copycat... As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Mimic deep within the Ancient Ruins. (Note: Located in Treasure room after beating Golden Dragon) 150
Déjà vu As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Mimics deep within the Ancient Ruins. 300
Master of Mimicry As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Mimics deep within the Ancient Ruins. 500
What's in the Box? As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Wicked Box deep within the Ancient Ruins. (Note:Located in Treasure room after beating Gigante) 150
Box Breaker As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Wicked Boxes deep within the Ancient Ruins. 300
The Boxer As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Wicked Boxes deep within the Ancient Ruins. 300
Mantis-y Life As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Mantis in the jungles of East Levitania. 150
Preying on the Mantis As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Mantises in the jungles of East Levitania. 300
Mantis Mania As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Mantises in the jungles of East Levitania. 500
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Flower Mantis in the jungles of East Levitania. 500
Beware the Killer Cacto As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Killer Cacto in the Ancient Ruins. 150
Look Sharp! As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Killer Cactos in the Ancient Ruins. 300
Cactus if you Can As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Killer Cactos in the Ancient Ruins. 500
Bamboo-zled As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Pandamonium in the jungles of East Levitania. 150
Panda to the Crowd As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Pandamonium in the jungles of East Levitania. 300
Rampant Pandalism As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Pandamonium in the jungles of East Levitania. 500
Death's Envoy As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Lord of the Dead in the Drysand Desert at night. 1200
Defeat the Chimera! As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Chimera in the jungles of East Levitania. 1200
Hero of the Skies Defeat 1 Ferociousaurus in the jungles of West Levitania, then cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 1200
The Beast Within As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Gigante deep in the Ancient Ruins. Talk to Miguel to unlock. 1500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Dino Hunter As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Shadowsaurus in the Dark Void on Cacto Cove. 2000
The Heart of Sharkness
(Shark in the Dark)
As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Shadow Sharks in the Dark Void on Cacto Cove. 1000

Challenge Instructions Stars
The Roots of Life As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Sagely Carrotys in the Central Grassland of Origin Island. 1500
Toxic Waters As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Seahorses on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
Spirit of the Sands As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Sea Mare on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
Shells of Steel As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Giant Crab on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
The Walking Fortress As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Leafysauruses at Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine. 1500
The Demonic Beast Defeat 1 Hell Gigante at Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine, and cash in the Bounty as a Mercenary. 2500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Cervantes's Mercenary Special Request Defeat 1 Lord of the Cursed in the Drysand Desert at night. N/A

