Master chests are chests which contain powerful items that can only be opened upon completing the storyline and by reaching rank of "Master" in 3 particular lives. Once the requirement is met, the player will receive a letter acknowledging the player's accomplishments.
King Erik's Chest
- Found at: King Erik's Chamber
- Master rank in: Paladin, Miner, and Blacksmith
- Contains: Joyeuse, Monarch Crown, Monarch Doublet, Monarch Tights, Monarch Gloves, Monarch Loafers
Pirate King's Treasure
- Found at: Pirate Ship's Cabin
- Master rank in: Mercenary, Angler, Tailor
- Contains: Crescent Blade, Buccaneer's Hat, Buccaneer's Coat, Buccaneer's Bottoms, Buccaneer's Boots
Fluffkin Vault
- Found at: Far east of the Deep Elderwood
- Master rank in: Hunter, Woodcutter, Carpenter
- Contains: Destiny Bow, Light Hood, Light Robe
Dark Sultan's Gift
- Found at: Garden of Shadows (Enter through Dark Sultan's Fortress)
- Master rank in: Magician, Alchemist, Cook
- Contains: Serpent Staff, Umbral Hood, Umbral Robe