Fantasy Life Wiki
Fantasy Life Wiki
魔法使い, Mahōtsukai
Magician Transparent
"Harness the power of the elements to perform a variety of potent healing and attacking spells. Now that's magic!"
Weapon Staff*
Tool {{{tool}}}
Class information
Life type Combat
Master Jinx
Characters Esmeralda, Hazel, Nox, Colin, Fabbie, Skybie
Game introduced Fantasy Life

The Magician or Wizard is a Life you can choose in the game Fantasy Life. It is one of 12 Lives that can be chosen at any time during the game by visiting the Guild Master (except during a story mission).

Magicians use staves (called 'wands' in other versions) to inflict ranged elemental damage to enemies and to heal as well.

The Wizard's Life Shop is located at Esmerelda's Academy of Magic in Al Maajik Spelltown.


Rank Stars Intelligence Focus
Novice 0 - -
Fledgling 100 +2 +1
Apprentice 400 +4 +2
Adept 1300 +6 +3
Expert 3500 +8 +4
Master 7500 +12 +6
Hero 12000 +16 +8
Legend 16000 +20 +10
God/Creator 28000 +24 +12


When the player chooses the Magician life, they learn 5 skills: Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Wind Magic, and Earth Magic. The max skill level is 15 (20 with the DLC). To unlock the new cap, you must reach Legend rank and talk to Divinus with the Magician Life activated. He will increase the cap of all 5 skills to 20 and upgrade the licence to God-in-Training rank.

Icon Name Description
Magic Skill Magic Your proficiency with casting magic. Raise your skill level to increase your selection of staffs, boost spell damage and decrease the SP cost of spells.


The Wizard collects spirits (Spirit of Water, Spirit of Wind, Spirit of Earth, and Spirit of Fire) in their staff and uses them to harness power as an attack or healing spell.

When the player reaches God/Creator rank in the Wizard life, they will gain the ability known as "Ancient Wisdom" which can be activated when the player has a double charged Skill Gauge. When activated, Ancient Wisdom gives a 3x buff to Magic Attacks and the Skill Gauge will continuously refill for 60 seconds. No stamina will be used when casting any magical skills whilst Ancient Wisdom (Creator Mode) is active.

Command List[]

Skill Button Combination Rank learned
Fairy Fire Set magic to Fire, A Novice
Heavy Flame After third strike of Fairy Fire, A God-In-Training
Flame Shot After Heavy Flame, A God
Snowball Set magic to Water, A Fledgling
Iceball After third strike of Snowball, A God-In-Training
Iceball Slam After Iceball, A God
Windcutter Set magic to Wind, A Fledgling
Gale Force After third strike of Windcutter, A God-In-Training
Bolt Strike After Gale Force, A God
Sapling Heal Set magic to Earth, A Novice
Sapling Aid After third strike of Sapling Heal, A God-In-Training
Sapling Cure After Sapling Aid, A God
Fireball Set magic to Fire, Charge A Fledgling
Firesplosion Set magic to Fire, Long Charge A Adept
Fire Storm Set magic to Fire, Charge X Apprentice
Wall of Fire Set magic to Fire, Long Charge X Apprentice
Icy Breath Set magic to Water, Charge A Apprentice
Snapfreeze Set magic to Water, Long Charge A Adept
Ice Storm Set magic to Water, Charge X Apprentice
Blizzard Set magic to Water, Long Charge X Expert
Air Sickle Set magic to Wind, Charge A Fledgling
Razor Wind Set magic to Wind, Long Charge A Adept
Thunder Storm Set magic to Wind, Charge X Apprentice
Cosmic Thunder Set magic to Wind, Long Charge X Expert
Flower Heal Set magic to Earth, Charge A Fledgling
Healing Forest Set magic to Earth, Long Charge A Adept
Healing Meadow Set magic to Earth, Charge X Apprentice
Nature's Bounty Set magic to Earth, Long Charge X Expert
Falling Star Special Skill fully charged, X Adept
Shooting Star Special Skill fully charged, X Master
Meteodrive Special Skill fully charged, X God
Ancient Wisdom Special Skill Gauge double charged, X God

Playing a Wizard[]

A Wizard can be used to support other classes in multiplayer due to their ability to heal not only themselves but their group members in a certain range. The most useful stats for a Magician are Intelligence and Focus.

Being a Wizard uses a lot of SP, so the player must be sure to have enough SP potions. Apple Juice, Cows' Milk, Springwater and Honey are some easy substitutes. A recommended item is the Magical Milkshake, which temporarily raises your Intelligence stat along with restoring SP. Superior Magical Milkshakes fully restore your SP. The player can also use the "Sit Down" and the "Lie Down" emotes to regain SP at a faster rate.

Wizards cannot use the majority of Armor craftable by Blacksmiths (with a few exceptions), but can wear most items crafted by a Tailor. Their weak armor makes their Defense poor, so it's advised to keep a distance away from enemies and take advantage of the Wizard's arsenal of ranged attacks.

The player has to keep weaknesses and resistances of enemies in mind. Different types of magic work better against certain enemies.


The Magicians uses staves to inflict ranged elemental damage to enemies and to heal as well. Staves can be obtained from:

  • Shops that are all over the world
  • Enemy Drops and Bounties
  • Treasure chests that are all over the world
  • NPCs such as King Erik Stone
  • Crafted by Carpenters

Some of them come with special effects useful to fight certain enemies, and players with a Carpenter's Licence can craft their own wands with unique effects. To see full list of effects, visit Crafting Effects.

View Staves List
Picture Item Rarity Skill Level Normal Good Quality Great Quality Top Quality Divine Quality Special Effect Lives
Novice's Staff
Novice's Staff 0 Stars 1 4 4 4 4 4 ------ All
Oak Staff
Oak Staff 0 Stars 1 8 9 11 13 15 ------ All
Pine Staff
Pine Staff 1 Stars 2 12 14 16 18 20 ------ All
Palm Staff
Palm Staff 2 Stars 2 17 19 22 25 27 ------ All
Sugar Staff
Sugar Staff 3 Stars 3 22 25 28 31 34 ------ All
Mooncrest Staff
Mooncrest Staff 4 Stars 4 28 31 35 39 43 Intelligence +4 Magician icon 1Alchemist icon 1
Star Staff
Star Staff 4 Stars 4 32 36 40 44 48 Luck +4 Magician icon 1Alchemist icon 1
Purrfection Staff
Purrfection Staff 4 Stars 5 36 40 45 49 54 ------ All
Bat Wing Staff
Bat Wing Staff 4 Stars 5 40 45 50 55 60 Focus +4 Magician icon 1
Dragon's Tail
Dragon's Tail 4 Stars 6 46 ?? 57 ?? ?? ------ Magician icon 1
Staff of Wisdom
Staff of Wisdom 5 Stars 7 52 ?? ?? ?? ?? Intelligence +6 Magician icon 1
Dragon Staff
Dragon Staff 5 Stars 8 54 60 66 73 79 Battle EXP + (+10%) All
Serpent Staff
Serpent Staff 5 Stars 10 60 67 74 81 ?? S. Skill charge rate x1.5 Magician icon 1
Bon Bon-Bon
Bon Bon-Bon 5 Stars 12 58 ? 71 ? ? HP orb drop ++ All
Esmerelda's Staff
Esmerelda's Staff 5 Stars 12 80 80 80 80 80 SP recovery speed ++++ All
Chaos Bringer
Chaos Bringer 5 Stars 15 65 72 80 87 95 Intelligence +10 Magician icon 1
Staff of Dawn
Staff of Dawn 5 Stars 15 75 83 ??? 100 109 Special Skill damage + Magician icon 1
Dark Sultan's Staff
Dark Sultan's Staff 5 Stars 15 110 110 110 110 110 Magic Attack +30 All

Magician NPC List[]

There are a number of other Magician class NPCs around Reveria who unlock challenges, provide equipment, and offer unique dialogue. Talk to these NPCs when they have a ? icon over their heads.


  • Jinx (Life Master): Hazel's House - East Castele
    • Unlocks the "Earthly Encounter" challenge (Apprentice)
    • Unlocks the "Wild Wild Wood" / "Forest Foe" challenge (Expert)
    • Gives Magician's Trophy (Master)
    • Unlocks the "Darkness and Fury" / "Calamity Pain" challenge (Hero)
    • Gives 3x Superior Magic Spray (God-in-Training/Demi-Creator)
    • Joins party at God/Creator (when the special request is initially accepted)
    • Unlocks Magician God Special Request
  • Hazel: Outside Hazel's House (Day), Hazel's House (Night) - East Castele
    • Unlocks the "The Skullblob Job" challenge (Fledgling)
    • Unlocks the "From the Magma Born" / "Beat the Heat" challenge (Adept)
    • Unlocks the "Still Waters Run Deep" / "In Deep Water" challenge (Expert)
    • Joins party at Master
    • Gives 3x Superior Magical Pie (God)
  • Nox: Castele Forest - East Castele
    • Joins party at Apprentice
    • Unlocks the "Shimmering Mirage" / "Blaze of Glory" challenge (Adept)
    • Gives 1x Mooncrest Staff (Master)

Port Puerto[]

Al Maajik[]

Drysand Desert[]

  • Colin: Ancient Ruins Path - Drysand Desert
    • Unlocks the "Spirit in the Dark" / "Shadow Showdown" challenge (Expert)
    • Unlocks the "Heavenly Light" / "Light's Out" challenge (Master)
    • Joins party at Hero
    • Gives 3x Superior Spraylixir (Legend)

Levitania/Terra Nimbus[]


Class Challenges reward the player with Stars, which accumulate to raise the rank of the player within their selected Life Class. Talk to Master Jinx to cash in challenge rewards.

The U.S. Localization has differing names for many challenges. As such they will be listed after the U.K. localization names.


Challenge Instructions Stars
Fledgling Magician
(Fledgling Wizard)
Visit the Magician Master, Jinx, and learn how to cast spells. 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Flame Power
(Fire Power)
Use Fireball ([A] charged attack with Fire Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. Deal the final blow with Fireball! 30
Water Power Use Icy Breath ([A] charged attack with Water Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. Deal the final blow with Icy Breath! 30
Wind Power Use Air Sickle ([A] charged attack with Wind Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 30
Pulling Weeds
(Weed Killer)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Weedling in Haniwa Cave on the East Grassy Plains. 30
Weed Out the Weedlings As a Wizard, defeat 5 Weedlings in Haniwa Cave on the Grassy Plains. 50
Blue Frog
(Cobalt-Hearted Killer)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Cobalt Frog in Haniwa Cave on the Grassy Plains. 30
Crazy for Cobalt!
(Cobalt Conquest)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Cobalt Frogs in Haniwa Cave on the Grassy Plains. 50
Beat the Skullblob!
(The Skullblob Job)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Skullblob in Haniwa Cave on the Grassy Plains at night. 100
A Grassy Plains Ghost Story
(Spooky Specter)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spook, found in the northern part of the Grassy Plains at night-time. 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Fire Conjurer
(Master of Fire)
Use Firestorm ([X] charged attack with Fire Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 50
Water Conjurer
(Master of Ice)
Use Ice Storm ([X] charged attack with Water Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 50
Wind Conjurer
(Master of Wind)
Use Thunderstorm ([X] charged attack with Wind Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 50
Frog on a Log
(Froggy Fields Forever)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Field Frog by the shores of the West Grassy Plains. 50
Ribbit Ribbit
(Ferocious Frog Fight)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Field Frogs by the shores of the West Grassy Plains. 80
Toad in the Hole
(Ribbit Gambit)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Splash Frog by the shores of the West Grassy Plains. 50
The Final Croak
(Final Croak)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Splash Frogs by the shores of the West Grassy Plains. 80
An Evil Mushroom?!
(Malignant Mushface)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Mushface among the trees in the Elderwood. 50
Mushroom-Hunti' Magician
(Mushface to Face)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Mushfaces among the trees in the Elderwood. 80
You've Got to be Jelling Me
(Quelling the Jelly)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Mountain Jelling within the Waterfall Cave on Mt. Snowpeak. 50
Jelling the Night Away
(Mountain Jelly Melee)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Mountain Jellings within the Waterfall Cave on Mt. Snowpeak. 80
A Fake Great Tree?
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Timber Tinder among the trees in the Elderwood. 50
Wood You Stop?!
(Timber Tinder Takedown)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Timber Tinders among the trees in the Elderwood. 80
An Encounter with an Earth Spirit
(Earthly Encounter)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Earth in the heart of the Elderwood. 100
Earthly Pleasures
(Earth Wraith Wrecker)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Earth Wraith, found within the Elderwood at night-time. 200

Challenge Instructions Stars
Whoa! You're Burning Up!
(Lava Drama)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Lava Weedling in Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 100
Y'Ouch! Hot Stuff!
(Ashes to Ashes)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Lava Weedlings in Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 150
Fire-breathing Mushroom
(Fire-Breathing Fungus)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Mushflame within Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 100
Fiery Fungi
(Mushflame Massacre)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Mushflames within Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 150
Jelly Lava?!
(Felling the Jelly)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Lava Jelling within Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 100
Lava Me Alone!
(Jelly Warfare)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Lava Jellings within Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 150
Coconut Punch
(Beat to the Punch)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Punching Palm on the isles of Tortuga Archipelago. 100
That's Just Coco Nuts! (Pummeling Palms) As a Wizard, defeat 5 Punching Palms on the isles of Tortuga Archipelago. 150
From the Magma Born
(Beat the Heat)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Fire deep within Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave 150
Desert Winds
(Wind Chagrin)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Wind somewhere in the Drysand Desert. 150
Spooky Sands
(Ghost of a Chance)
Defeat 1 Desert Spook near the Ancient Ruins at night, then cash in the Bounty as a Magician. 250
A Spirit from the Snowy Peak
(Snowpeak Spooky)
Defeat 1 Ice Spook at the summit of Mt. Snowpeak at night, then cash in the Bounty as a Magician. 250
Sandstorm Lord
(Gust of Ghoul)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Gale Wraith somewhere in the Drysand Desert. 300
Shimmering Mirage
(Blaze of Glory)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Blaze Wraith deep within Mt. Snowpeak's Lava Cave. 300

Challenge Instructions Stars
Fire Play
(Playing with Fire)
Use Wall of Fire ([X] supercharged attack with Fire Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
Water Play
(Blizzard Wizzard)
Use Blizzard ([X] supercharged attack with Water Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
Air Play
(Here Comes the Thunder)
Use Cosmic Thunder ([X] supercharged attack with Wind Magic) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
Shrubbery Shredding
(Shrub Shredder)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Sharp Weedling in the Deep Elderwood. 150
Weed Whacker
(Weedling Whacker)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Sharp Weedlings in the Deep Elderwood. 250
Bramble Scramble
(Bramble Scramble)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Burrly Bramble in the Deep Elderwood. 150
Bramble Rumble As a Wizard, defeat 5 Burrly Brambles in the Deep Elderwood. 250
Under the Sea
(Deepsea Hostilities)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Jelling within Tortuga Archipelago's Deepsea Cave. 150
Deadly Depths As a Wizard, defeat 5 Jellings within Tortuga Archipelago's Deepsea Cave. 250
A Poison Cube?
(Toxic Threat)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Toxic Jelling in the Drysand Desert's Subterranean Lake. 150
Out, Poison!
(Poison Cubed)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Toxic Jellings in the Drysand Desert's Subterranean Lake. 250
Still Waters Run Deep
(In Deep Water)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Water within the Deepsea Cave or around Tortuga Archipelago. 200
Spirit in the Dark
(Shadow Showdown)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Darkness within Cacto Cove's Cave of Shadows. 200
King of the Deep Defeat 1 Jellking within the Deepsea Cave, then cash in the Bounty as a Magician. 700
Ocean Fury
(Wraith Wrath)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Sea Wraith deep within the Deepsea Cave. 750
Wild Wild Wood
(Forest Foe)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Forest Wraith within the Deep Elderwood. 750

Challenge Instructions Stars
Triple Shooting Star
(Seeing Stars)
Use Shooting Star ([X] with a full Special Skill gauge) to defeat 10 monsters. 300
A Lovely Little Island
(Isle Get You!)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Lovely Jelling on Cacto Cove. 150
(Pedal to the Metal)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Metal Jelling in the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins . 300
(Deep Frog Diving)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Crimson Frog in the Subterranean Lake. 150
Croaking Red As a Wizard, defeat 5 Crimson Frogs in the Subterranean Lake. 400
Sandslime As a Wizard, defeat 1 Desert Jelling in the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins. 150
Dust to Dust As a Wizard, defeat 5 Desert Jellings in the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins. 400
Rend the Sky Asunder
(Terror of the Sky)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Terror Weedling in Central Levitania. 150
Torn-Up Terror
(Reign of Terror)
As a Wizard, defeat 5 Terror Weedlings in Central Levitania. 400
Heavenly Light
(Light's Out)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Light on Levitania. 600
Entombed Spirit
(Your Fate Is Sealed)
Defeat 1 Big Spook haunting the Ancient Ruins, then cash in the Bounty as a Magician. 800
Heaven's Wraith
(Frightening Lightning)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Lightning Wraith in Central Levitania. 1500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Darkness and Fury
(Calamity Pain)
As a Wizard, defeat 1 Calamitus deep within the Drysand Desert's Ancient Ruins . 2000

Challenge Instructions Stars
Island Rainbow As a Wizard, defeat 5 Rainbow Spirits on Origin Island. 1500
Wisper in the Dark As a Wizard, defeat 5 Dark Wisps in Origin Island's Central Grassland at night. 1500
Wisper on the Wind As a Wizard, defeat 10 Wind Wisps in Origin Island's Forest Shrine. 1500
Wispering Flames As a Wizard, defeat 10 Flame Wisps in Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine. 1500
Wisper on the Water As a Wizard, defeat 10 Aqua Wisps on Origin Island's Penguin Beach at night. 1500
Rainbow over an Ancient Isle Defeat the Rainbow Wraith in Origin Island's Central Grassland, then cash in the Bounty as a Magician. 2500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Jinx's Magician Special Request Defeat 1 Pumpking in the Deep Elderwood. N/A

