Fantasy Life Wiki
Erik Stone
エリック・ストーン, Erikku Sutōn
Erik Stone
"The King of Castele. He has the form of a little boy, yet is a grown man with a wife and daughter. Weird."
Character information
Gender Male
Nickname(s) None
Hometown Castele
Relatives Princess Laura (Daughter)
Queen Ophelia (Wife)
Gladstone (Father)
Rank King of Castele
First appearance Fantasy Life

Erik Stone (JapaneseJapanese: エリック・ストーン Erikku Sutōn) is the 11th king of Castele. His wife is Queen Ophelia and his daughter is Princess Laura. The King's child-like form is revealed to be one of the Seven Mysteries of Castele by Hamsvich on the bridge to South Castele.

Despite his child-like appearance, he is actually the same age as Queen Ophelia.

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After the main character finished the Al Maajik part of the story, it is revealed that his child-like form is the effect of a prank-spell the Elder Dark Sultan cast on him in a battle of pranks.

Upon beating the Tale of Lunares, King Erik will become an ally and can join the player's party. When in the party King Erik uses powerful light magic as an attack. It can either be a single star, three, or an explosion that he must charge up.

Battle Stats
100 850 115 300 380 450

These will be King Erik's stats when you are level 95.

Life Rewards[]

Upon reaching the ranks of "Hero" and "Legend" in a life, Erik rewards the player for their achievements. The player may speak to Erik in the daytime while he is sitting on his throne to receive the rewards.

Life Hero Rewards Legend Rewards

Creativity Cap

Doctor's Garb

Doctor's Shoes

Doctor's Cape

Miracle Flask

Whale Hood

Famous Fisher's Smock

Famous Fisher's Gloves

Famous Fisher's Sandals

Marine Rod

Hammer Head

Heatwave Apron

Hammer Gloves

Hammer Boots

Spirit Hammer

Chief's Bandana

Chief's Apron

Chief's Breeches

Chief's Hand Guards

Chief's Safety Boots

Master Saw

Five Star Hat

Five Star Outfit

Five Star Shoes

Frymaster 2000

Sniper's Hat

Sniper's Tunic

Sniper's Culottes

Sniper's Gloves

Sniper's Boots

Forest Bow

Grand Magician's Hood

Grand Magician's Robe

Grand Magician's Shoes

Staff of Wisdom

Steel Helm

Berserker's Armour

Tough Leg Guards

Metal Gauntlets

Steel-Toe Shoes

Giga Buster

Avalanche Helmet

Grand Miner's Cuirass

Grand Miner's Bottoms

Grand Miner's Mitts

Grand Miner's Boots

Solar Pickaxe

Crusader's Circlet (male) or Crusader's Tiara (female)

Crusader's Plating

Crusader's Leg Guards

Crusader's Gauntlets

Crusader's Boots

Crusader's Cape

Gallant Blade

Gallant Shield


Fashionista Dress

Silk Pincushion

Fashionista Shoes

Haute Needle

Woodland Beret

Woodland Jacket

Woodland Trousers

Woodland Bangles

Woodland Boots

Great Forest Axe


  • In King Erik's Chamber, you can find a picture of King Erik, blocked off by a dresser. Upon examining it, the text "Is that a portrait of what King Erik really looks like?! ...Can't get close enough to see!" However, people with a sharp eye will notice that the king is still very small looking, seems somewhat feminine, and is making a winking face.
  • The Elder Dark Sultan mentions that King Erik should have already found a way to break the spell, which made Erik look like a kid, and that King Erik probably wants to stay short, because of all the women call him cute.
  • He used to take Laura on lots of adventures, mostly to Mt Snowpeak Summit
  • Erik is one of the keepers of a Master Chest.
  • In the cutscene following the cross on Lunares, King Erik is shown having to push up his crown as it falls across one eye. Taking this into account, it seems his crown is still the size it was before he was transformed.