Fantasy Life Wiki
Fantasy Life Wiki
狩人, Kariudo
Hunter Transparent
"Let your hunting instincts guide you as you stalk your prey deep in forests or out under the scorching desert sun."
Weapon Bow
Tool {{{tool}}}
Class information
Life type Combat
Master Fern
Characters Lucky, Huntin' Pete, Granny Cotton, Fletcher, Roy, Boyd
Game introduced Fantasy Life

The Hunter is a Life you can choose in the game Fantasy Life. It is one of 12 Lives that can be chosen at any time during the game by visiting the Guild Master (except during a story mission).

Hunters use bows to inflict damage and status effects (poison, sleep and paralysis) on enemies from a safe distance.

The Hunter's Life Shop is located at the Traveller's Respite in the West Grassy Plains.


Rank Stars Dexterity Strength
Novice 0 - -
Fledgling 100 +2 +1
Apprentice 500 +4 +2
Adept 1500 +6 +3
Expert 4000 +8 +4
Master 7000 +12 +6
Hero 10000 +16 +8
Legend 16000 +20 +10
God/Creator 28000 +24 +12


When the player chooses the Hunter life, they learn 1 skill: Archery. The max skill level is 15 (20 with the DLC). To unlock the new cap, you must reach Legend rank and talk to Divinus with the Hunter Life activated. He will increase the cap of this skill to 20 and upgrade the license to God-in-Training/Demi-Creator rank.

Icon Name Description
Archery Skill Archery Your proficiency with a bow and arrow. Raise your skill level to increase your selection of bows and boost your attack power.

- - - -


Press the directional buttons on the D-pad to change the type of arrows you fire. You can switch between:

  • Normal: No special status effects, but you will inflict the most damage.
  • Poison: When an enemy is struck, they will take ticks of 2 damage for a period of time.
  • Sleep: When an enemy is struck, they will usually go to sleep. This does not always work, especially with bosses.
  • Stun: When an enemy is struck, they will usually be inflicted with paralysis for a short time. This does not always work, especially with Bosses.

Command list[]

Sharpshooting x3: (A)+(A)+(A). Shoots 3 basic arrows at a quick rate.

Jump Shot: (A) after 3rd Sharpshooting. User does a short leap back in the air and fires a 4th, faster and slightly more damaging arrow.

Arrow Swarm: (A) during Jump Shot. The user does a quick twirl and shoots 3 arrows in a 45 degree spread that explode with a small AOE which can hit multiple enemies. The timing should be during the Jump Shot animation where you leap into the air.

Hero Shot: (A) after Jump Shot. The user does a quick twirl and fires a large arrow that can hit an enemy 3-4 times. The timing ranges from after you fire the arrow in Jump Shot to just before you land back onto the ground.

Arrow Web: (A) after Hero Shot or Arrow Swarm. The user does a backflip further into the air and does a shout, followed by them shooting down a powerful arrow that causes a high damage explosion once it hits the ground. There are some invincibility frames during the firing animation. The arrow can hit larger enemies multiple times before exploding.

Backstep: (A) while moving backwards. The user does a quick leap backwards, granting some invincibility frames.

Fading Shot: (A) during Backstep. The user pauses and does a twirl, firing 3 arrows in a spread similar to Arrow Swarm, then sending the user further backwards with more i-frames.

Piercing arrow: Press and hold (A). Fires a powerful arrow that pierces through multiple enemies. Using this ability while set to Poison, Sleep or Stun Arrows will instead have chance to inflict the respective status ailment in lieu of the increased damage and piercing effect.

Ultra Piercing Arrow: Long press and hold (A). A stronger version of the latter that deals more damage and travels further. Has a higher chance of inflicting status alignments.

Scattershot: Press and hold (X). User fires 10 arrows in a 45 degree spread, the 10th arrow will deal more damage and fire straight.

Super scattershot: Long press and hold (X). Fires much faster and stronger than the latter, with 15 arrows instead of 10.

Arrow rain: (X) Adept rank when skill is fully charged. The user rapidly fires their bow in the air, sending a stream of arrows upwards that quickly fall back down around the user in a multi hit AOE.

Arrow storm: (X) Master rank when skill is charged. A stronger, faster version of the latter.

Arrow hurricane: (X) God/Creator rank. Combines both of the previous skills into one. During the point where arrow storm hits, the user fires one giant arrow into the air that comes down by the end of arrow storm, creating a large explosion.

God/Creator Mode: Flash: (X) God/Creator Rank when Special Skill is charged twice. Activates God/Creator Mode for 1 minute. During this time all hits will automatically be critical hits regardless of the player's Luck stat and any effects from armor or consumables. Additionally, the Special Skill will passively recharge.


The Hunters uses bows to inflict damage and status effects (poison, sleep and paralysis) on enemies from a safe distance. Bows can be obtained from:

  • Shops that are all over the world
  • Enemy Drops and Bounties
  • Treasure chests that are all over the world
  • NPCs such as King Erik Stone
  • Crafted by Carpenters

Some of them come with special effects useful to fight certain enemies, and players with a Carpenter's Licence can craft their own weapons with unique effects. To see full list of effects, visit Crafting Effects.

View Bows List
Picture Item Rarity Skill Level Normal Good Quality Great Quality Top Quality Divine Quality Special Effect Lives
Hunter's Bow
Hunter's Bow 0 Stars 1 4 4 4 4 4 ------ All
Oak Bow
Oak Bow 0 Stars 1 8 9 11 13 15 ------ All
Pine Bow
Pine Bow 1 Stars 2 12 14 16 18 20 ------ All
Palm Bow
Palm Bow 2 Stars 2 17 19 22 25 27 ------ All
Sugar Bow
Sugar Bow 3 Stars 3 22 25 28 31 34 ------ All
Orca Bow
Orca Bow 4 Stars 4 28 31 35 39 43 Water element + Hunter icon 1
Flaming Bow
Flaming Bow 4 Stars 5 34 38 42 47 51 Fire element + Hunter icon 1
Wyvern's Breath
Wyvern's Breath 4 Stars 6 42 47 52 57 62 ------ Hunter icon 1
Forest Bow
Forest Bow 5 Stars 7 50 ?? ?? 68 74 Dexterity +10 Hunter icon 1
Wyvern Bow
Wyvern Bow 5 Stars 8 54 60 66 73 79 Battle EXP + (+10%) All
Destiny Bow
Destiny Bow 5 Stars 10 62 69 76 83 90 Critical rate +++ Hunter icon 1
Hermes' Bow
Hermes' Bow 5 Stars 12 58 64 71 ?? 85 Wind element +++ All
Leo's Bow
Leo's Bow 5 Stars 12 102 102 102 102 102 S. Skill charge rate +25% All
Heartbreaker 5 Stars 15 72 80 88 96 104 Earth element +++ Hunter icon 1
Thunderstrike Bow
Thunderstrike Bow 5 Stars 15 80 89 98 107 116 Special skill damage + Hunter icon 1
Spirit King's Bow
Spirit King's Bow 5 Stars 15 120 120 120 120 120 Attack +30 All

Hunter NPC List[]

There are a number of other Hunter class NPCs around Reveria who unlock challenges, provide equipment, and offer unique dialogue. Talk to these NPCs when they have a ? icon over their heads.


  • Fern (Life Master): Outside Fern's House (Day), Fern's House (Night) - East Castele
    • Unlocks the "Attack of the Killer Bunny!" challenge (Apprentice)
    • Gives Hunter's Trophy (Master)
    • Unlocks the "Wings of Darkness" challenge (Hero)
    • Joins party at God/Creator (when the special request is initially accepted)
    • Unlocks Hunter God Special Request
  • Huntin' Pete: Sheep Pen - South Castele
    • Unlocks the "Sweet Reward" challenge (Fledging)
    • Joins party at Apprentice
    • Unlocks the "Honey from On High" challenge (Adept)
    • Unlocks the "The Sweet Life" challenge (Expert)
    • Gives Orca Bow (Master)
  • Lucky: Outside Fern's House (Day), Fern's House (Night) - East Castele
    • Joins party at Adept

West Grassy Plains[]

Port Puerto[]

Al Maajik[]


Class Challenges reward the player with Stars, which accumulate to raise the rank of the player within their selected Life Class. Talk to Master Fern to cash in challenge rewards.

The U.S. Localization has differing names for many challenges. As such they will be listed after the U.K. localization names.


Challenge Instructions Stars
Fledgling Hunter
(Hunting for a New Life)
Meet Hunter master Fern and learn the Hunter trade. 100

Challenge Instructions Stars
Piercing Arrow Specialist
(Shoot That Piercing Arrow)
Get straight to the point! Use Piercing Arrow (A charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters. 30
First Hunt
(First Woolie)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 White Woolie in the East Grassy Plains. 30
Keeper of the Fleece
(Hunting for Woolies)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 White Woolies in the East Grassy Plains. 50
To Bee, or Not to Bee?
(First Bee)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Worker Bee around the flowers of the East Grassy Plains. 30
Honey Hunter
(Shooting Down Bees)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Worker Bees around the flowers of the East Grassy Plains. 50
Winged Walker
(First Road Runner)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Road Runner near the waters of the East Grassy Plains. 30
Bird Hunter
(Hunting Road Runners)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Road Runners near the waters of the East Grassy Plains. 50
Down with the Big Bad Wolf
(First Wolf)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Red Wolf in the East Grassy Plains. 50
(Wolf Takedown)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Red Wolves in the East Grassy Plains. 80
On the Prowl
(First Coyote)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Coyote, found in the East Grassy Plains at night. 50
Leader of the Pack
(Chase Down Coyotes)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Coyotes, found in the East Grassy Plains at night. 80
Sweet Reward Gather 10 jars of Grassland Honey from trees around the Grassy Plains. 50

Challenge Instructions Stars
Scattershot Skills Time to let fly! Use Scattershot ((X) charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters. 50
Baa Baa Black Sheep
(First Black Woolie)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Black Woolie in the northern part of the West Grassy Plains. 50
Sheep Slayer
(Stalking Black Woolies)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Black Woolies in the northern part of the West Grassy Plains. 80
Buffalo, and Behold!
(First Buffalo)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Buffalo at the base of Mt. Snowpeak. 50
The Buffalord
(Big Catch of Buffalo)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Buffalo at the base of Mt. Snowpeak. 80
Going Batty
(First Cave Bat)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Cave Bat in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 50
Batter Up!
(Bringing Down the Bats)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Cave Bats in Mt. Snowpeak's Waterfall Cave. 80
Havin' a Hoot!
(Stalk a Hootwink)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Hootwink, found in the Elderwood at night. 100
(Hootwink Hunt)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Hootwinks, found in the Elderwood at night.. 150
(First Bull)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Bull in the West Grassy Plains. 120
Simply Bovine
(Bow Hunt for Bulls)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Bulls in the West Grassy Plains. 180
Attack of the Killer Bunny! Defeat 1 Killer Bunny in the West Grassy Plains at night, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 250
Black Thunder
(First Black Panther)
Defeat 1 Black Panther on Mt. Snowpeak, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 250

Challenge Instructions Stars
Cashmeer Capers
(First Cashmeer)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Cashmeer on the cliffs of Mt. Snowpeak. 80
Cashmeer Hunter
(A Trio of Cashmeer)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Cashmeer on the cliffs of Mt. Snowpeak. 150
Forest Stalker
(First Panther)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 elusive Forest Panther, which lives in the Elderwood. 80
Panther Pursuit As a Hunter, defeat 3 elusive Forest Panthers, which live in the Elderwoods. 150
Desert Dogs
(First Jackal)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Jackal in the Desert Ravine. 80
Jackal and Hide
(Jumping Jackals)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Jackals in the Desert Ravine. 150
Flutter in the Dark
(First Dark Bat)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Dark Bat in the Nautilus Cave. 80
Bat Attack!
(Prowling for Bats)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Dark Bats in the Nautilus Cave. 150
Snowy Sprinter
(First Snow Runner)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Snow Runner at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 80
Dashing through the Snow
(Trudging for Runners)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Snow Runners at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 150
Run Rabbit, Run!
(First Snowflake Bunny)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Snowflake Bunny at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 80
Let it Snow!
(Bring Down the Bunnies)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Snowflake Bunnies at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 150
The Grand Taur
(First Taurus)
Defeat 1 Taurus in the West Grassy Plains, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 300
The Horned Menace Defeat 1 Killer Horn in the Desert Ravine, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 350
The Beaked Menace
(The Biggest of Beaks)
As a Hunter, defeat the vicious Bigbeak in the West Grassy Plains. 500
Sweet Dreams
(Honey from On High)
Gather 5 jars of Plateau Honey from trees on and around Mt. Snowpeak. 150

Challenge Instructions Stars
Dancing Arrows Time to let loose again! Use Super Scattershot ((X) supercharged attack) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
The Night Ranger
(First Hootlum)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Hootlum in the Cave of Bones. 150
Hootlum Havoc As a Hunter, defeat 5 Hootlums in the Cave of Bones. 250
An Ancient Predator
(First Pterodactyl)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Pterodactyl on the plateaus of the Drysand Desert.(Aridian Desert) 150
(Ptero Times Five)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Pterodactyls on the plateaus of the Drysand Desert.(Aridian Desert) 250
The Abominable Snowcat
(First Snow Leopard)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Snow Leopard at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 150
Hunting the Hunter
(Spotting the Leopards)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Snow Leopards at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 250
Flurry of Feathers
(First Glaciowl)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Glaciowl at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 150
Glaciowl Shift
(Cracking the Glaciowls)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Glaciowls at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 250
Sand Sprint
(First Sand Runner)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Sand Runner in the north-eastern part of the Drysand Desert. 150
Sand Runner Safari As a Hunter, defeat 5 Sand Runners in the north-eastern part of the Drysand Desert. 250
(First Silverwing)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Silverwing at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 150
Soaring Silverwing Showdown.
(Silver Showdown)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Silverwings at the top of Mt. Snowpeak. 250
Kick the Hornet's Nest
(Sting Before Stung)
Defeat 1 Killer Bee in the Drysand Desert, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 400
The Night Watch Defeat 1 Eyes of Darkness in the Deep Elderwood, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 400
Freeze as a Bird
(Survive a Blizzard)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Blizzard Bird above the islands of Tortuga Archipelago. 750
The Sweet Life Gather 5 jars of Island Honey from trees around Cacto Cove. 250

Challenge Instructions Stars
Stormcaller Use Arrow Storm ((X) with a full Special Skill gauge) to defeat 10 monsters. 150
Things That Go Bump in the Night
(First Nightmare Bat)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Nightmare Bat in the depths of the Subterranean Lake. 150
Winged Nightmare
(Stopping the Nightmares)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Nightmare Bats in the depths of the Subterranean Lake. 400
(Staking the Bats)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Vampire Bat in the Ancient Ruins. 150
Bloodthirsty Work As a Hunter, defeat 5 Vampire Bats in the Ancient Ruins. 400
Poison Powder
(First Mothoon)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Mothoon in the hills of Levitania. 150
Toxic Trial
(Multitude of Mothoons)
As a Hunter, defeat 5 Mothoons in the hills of Levitania. 400
The Crimson Flame
(First Flame Moth)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Flame Moth in the Ancient Ruins. 150
Flame Moth Furore
(Flame Moth Frenzy)
As a Hunter, defeat 3 Flame Moths in the Ancient Ruins. 400
Bunny Killer Killer
(First Bunny Killer)
As a Hunter, defeat 1 Bunny Killer in the forests of West Levitania. 150
Island Protector As a Hunter, defeat 5 Bunny Killers in the forests of West Levitania. 400
The Poison Queen
(Fall of the Queen)
Defeat 1 Moth Queen in the Ancient Ruins, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 600
Thunderflap As a Hunter, defeat 1 Thunderbird in the heights of the Drysand Desert. 1000

Challenge Instructions Stars
Howling in the Shadows As a Hunter, defeat 15 Shadow Wolfs in the Dark Void on Cacto Cove. 300
Howling in the Depths As a Hunter, defeat 3 Boss Shadow Wolfs in the Dark Void on Cacto Cove. 500
Wings of Darkness As a Hunter, defeat 1 Shadow Bigbeak in the Dark Void on Cacto Cove. 1500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Nectar of the Gods As a Hunter, defeat 10 Godbee in Origin Island's Central Grassland. 1500
Horn of the Gods As a Hunter, defeat 10 Elder Horn in Origin Island's Central Grassland. 1500
The Undying Predator As a Hunter, defeat 10 Greywing Pterosaur at Origin Island's Rocky Hill Shrine. 1500
Penguin Prince As a Hunter, defeat 5 Penguin Groom on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
Penguin Princess As a Hunter, defeat 5 Penguin Bride on Origin Island's Penguin Beach. 1500
The Divine Bird Defeat 1 Heaven Bird on Origin Island's Penguin Beach, then cash in the Bounty as a Hunter. 2500

Challenge Instructions Stars
Fern's Hunter Special Request Defeat 1 Typhoon Bird on Tortuga Archipelago. N/A

