Fantasy Life Wiki

Glutton (Japanese: ツマミ Tsumami) is a Cook introduced in Fantasy Life Online.


A Cook who can't help grabbing any food in front of her. Whether she cooks well remains unknown.


*with max awakening

Lv HP SP Attack Defense Magic Attack Magic Defense Cooking
50 (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)


Combat Skills[]

Battle Fury Dodge Stance
Increases your Crit Dodge for a short period of time.
Battle Charge Food Sneaking
Restores own HP.

Crafting Skills[]

Crafting Fury A Pinch of Love
When cooking dessert recipes, hit EXCELLENT 2-3 times to earn completion bonus!
Crafting Skill Mach Slicing
Can master "Combo" quickly


Passive Skill Dessert Master
Improves crafting when making apples, honey, and other dessert-type recipes!
Passive Skill Comfort Meal
Slightly increases the healing effect of food items.