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Players who have purchased the Origin Island downloadable content will unlock the Friendship system for all Allies. By raising an Allies friendship value, that particular ally will perform better in combat. This means that an ally may use more special abilities and may heal or boost the player's stats temporarily if applicable.

All allies' friendship start at 50 initially. When it reaches 80, there will be hearts floating above the ally's head when they are not currently recruited. This effect is purely visual.

How to Raise Friendship[]

By spending time with and doing activities with allies, their friendship will naturally rise. These activities include walking far distances, crafting, gathering, defeating enemies and so on. Friendship gained from walking is automatically rewarded, whereas all other sources only raise friendship points when the allies are dismissed.

In addition, pets may simply be pet while in the player's room to raise their friendship level.

All allies have preferred lives. If the player is currently in the preferred life of an ally, their friendship gained from walking would be doubled to 2.

Lastly, an ally's friendship will rise by 1~3 points depending on how many activities the player has done with them when they are dismissed from the party. Specifically for crafting, 1 point of friendship would be given for every 5 items crafted upon dismissal. For combat, 1 point of friendship can be gained, after 100 enemies are defeated, upon dismissal.

Effect of Friendship Boosting Equipment[]

Companion Cape, obtained from exchanging Gold Lunares Coins with the clerk in Pam's House, comes with the unique special effect of "Friendship increase rate x2". As the name implies, it doubles friendship gain from all sources, meaning 4 points can be awarded for walking with the ally in their preferred life and up to 6 points can be awarded for dismissing. Note that when dismissing allies, the Companion Cape only needs to be equipped right before the dismissal. For example, players may craft 15 items wearing crafting-boosting equipment, and switch to Companion Cape right before dismissal to both have an easier time crafting and enjoy the full friendship bonus.

In addition, there are also the "Friendship growth rate +/++" effects, available from crafting any weapon, shield, and armor when adding a Divine Orb (Wisdom Orb, Love Orb, Bravery Orb), as well as certain password-exclusive equipment. However, their effects remains unclear, since neither the number of crafts required nor the friendship gained are affected by equipping even a full set of equipment with this modifier on.

What Lowers Friendship[]

  • Having an ally faint and not reviving them before the timer runs out (60 seconds).
  • Moving to another area while an ally has fainted, including teleportation when your character has fainted.
  • If the ally has fainted repeatedly in combat, without sufficient gains of friendship afterward, upon dismissal (ex. Text reads, "Ally left without saying a word." upon dismissal).

Friendship Point System[]

All Allies start with 50 Friendship points. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 100.

Action Points Points with Companion Cape
Walking for a distance 1 2
Walking for a distance while in a preferred life 2 4
Dismissing an ally before doing any exploring 0 0
Dismissing an ally after doing activities together
(dependent on the activities)
1 to 3 2 to 6
Leaving an area while ally has fainted -3 -3
Allowing a fainted ally's timer to run out -3 -3

Preferred Lives[]

Below is a list of the allies which the player may recruit and what their preferred lives are.

To see the locations and the stats of all allies, refer to the Allies page.

Name of Ally Preferred Life
Alfredo Cook
Allan Cook
Andy Carpenter
Angela Miner
Aurora Alchemist
Celestia Cook
Cervantes Mercenary
Cherry / Poppy Carpenter
Chic Tailor
Colin Magician
Daemon / Damien Magician
Decker Carpenter
Dogu Alchemist
Dragonslayer Paladin
Duglas Miner
Elmie Woodcutter
Fabbie / Bumbles Magician
Fern Hunter
Fisherman Sage Angler
Fizz Alchemist
Flamel Alchemist
Fletcher Hunter
Fluffkin Angler
Grace Tailor
Hazel Magician
Heyho Woodcutter
Huntin' Pete Hunter
Ignatius Blacksmith
Isaac Angler
Isobel Paladin
Jill Cook
Jinx Magician
Jude Mercenary
King Erik Paladin
Laura Paladin
Leilah Carpenter
Leo Hunter
Lucky Hunter
Madam Purl Tailor
Magmia Blacksmith
Magnificus Blacksmith
Marina Angler
Melusine Mercenary
Miguel Mercenary
Monika Woodcutter
Mustang Paladin
Noelia Miner
Nox Magician
Odin Mercenary
Olivia Mercenary
Ophelia Paladin
Orlando Woodcutter
Petri Alchemist
Pino Carpenter
Porthos Paladin
Robin Alchemist
Rocque Miner
Roslyn Paladin
Sizzle Cook
Taylor Tailor
Vulcan Blacksmith
Woody Carpenter
Yuelia Cook