A player in the Forest Shrine.
The Forest Shrine is a location in Origin Island in the game Fantasy Life. It is located towards the north-west of the Central Grassland. At the north area of the Forest Shrine, near the hot spring, there is a bounty clerk for the player to turn in any bounties. Also near the hot spring is a holiday home that can be purchased by the player for 300,000 Dosh.

A player battling the Ancient Dragon.
The Forest Shrine has some ferocious enemies and bosses including the Ancient Dragon and the Strongtaur.

The Forest Shrine is the only location that Divine Trees and the Ancient Divine Tree can be found.
Treasure Chest Drops[]
- Ancient Dagger
- Angelic Remedy
- Cloud Curtains
- Divine Mist
- Dragon Staff / Dragon Wand
- Gigaga Fishing Rod
- Gigaga Hammer
- Gigaga Saw
- Love Orb
- Miracle
- Protection Stone
- Rune Boots
- Rune Cuirass
- Rune Gauntlet
- Rune Leg Guards
- Sack of Secret Treasure
- Soul Stone
- Elixir - superior
- Spraylixir - superior
- Wisdom Orb