Fantasy Life Wiki
Elderwood Village


Elderwood (JapaneseJapanese: コモレヴィ Komorevui) is a forest located north of the East Grassy Plains. Deeper in the forest, the player will come out at Deep Elderwood where the Elderwood Village lies, which can only be accessible when the player progresses further in the game. In Elderwood Village, there is a Spirit Tree which can give the player access to the Goddess's Ship which can bring the player to Lunares. The player will meet the ancient spirit Danuta, that is protecting the village. The emblem of the forest is a leaf with a blue paw print on the leaf.


"An ancient shaded forest that's murky with magic and full of mystical beasts. A very dangerous place."


Fantasy Life

Places of interest

Deep Elderwood

Deep Elderwood is located at the west side of Elderwood. At the beginning, Deep Elderwood is guarded by a Paladin. Once the game progresses, the road block is free, and the player can take the entrance to Deep Elderwood. Deep Elderwood has a lot of aggressive monsters that will challenge the player directly. At the east side of the forest, the player have to cross a bridge, which the player will see a mysterious cave that is locked with mysterious powers. Getting back from the place, head north to enter Elderwood Grotto and arrive in Elderwood Village.

Elderwood Grotto

Elderwood Grotto is a passage between Deep Elderwood and Elderwood Village. The player cannot enter Elderwood Village until further progression of the game. When the player doesn't reach the game that far and Deep Elderwood is unlocked, the player sees only a blue paw print. After the progression of the game, Leilah will reveal the secret entrance to Elderwood Village.

Elderwood Village

The Elderwood Village is a place hidden in Elderwood. There is the place where the great spirit Danuta resides, as well as Pino and Leilah. The Village also has a goddess statue to pay their respect to the goddess of Reveria. There are several characters that are living in the village, such as the goddess of the forest Elmie, as the Fluffkin resides there after clearing the game. It is also the home of Pino and Leilah and several Earth Spirits. Marimo, a legendary carpenter also resides there. The player can rest there and buy several items.

Weaponry and decorations Medicine
Item name Price Selling price
Key Cutter 12000 Dosh 7200 Dosh
Grotto Headwear 9000 Dosh 6300 Dosh
Grotto Armour 12000 Dosh 6000 Dosh
Grotto Bottoms 12000 Dosh 4600 Dosh
Grotto Gloves 7800 Dosh 3200 Dosh
Grotto Boots 7800 Dosh 3200 Dosh
Earth Hood 15000 Dosh 13200 Dosh
Earth Robe 17000 Dosh 8700 Dosh
Beastly Cap 12000 Dosh 2600 Dosh
Beastly Armour 16000 Dosh 4800 Dosh
Beastly Leggings 16000 Dosh 4700 Dosh
Beastly Gauntlets 14000 Dosh 3500 Dosh
Beastly Boots 14000 Dosh 3500 Dosh
Beastly Necklace 14000 Dosh 2300 Dosh
Forest Dining Table 3000 Dosh 1800 Dosh
Forest Low Table 6800 Dosh 2350 Dosh
Forest Chair 1600 Dosh 1200 Dosh
Forest Sofa 5800 Dosh 2600 Dosh
Forest Wardrobe 6000 Dosh 4300 Dosh
Forest Chest 6000 Dosh 4300 Dosh
Forest Cabinet 5600 Dosh 2400 Dosh
Forest Bed 9000 Dosh 6500 Dosh
Forest Curtains 8000 Dosh 3800 Dosh
Clover Rug 14000 Dosh 7000 Dosh
Leaf Mat 10000 Dosh 3800 Dosh
Forest Wall 3200 Dosh 800 Dosh
Woodland Floor 2000 Dosh 500 Dosh
Bushy Tree 1500 Dosh 375 Dosh
Wonderful Bow Stand 12000 Dosh 3000 Dosh
Tree Stump & Axe 12000 Dosh
Item name Price Selling price
Healweed 10 Dosh 5 Dosh
Vitalweed 30 Dosh 20 Dosh
Cureweed 20 Dosh 10 Dosh
Lifeweed 40 Dosh 20 Dosh
Alcheweed 20 Dosh 10 Dosh
Arch Alcheweed 200 Dosh 100 Dosh
Soulweed 600 Dosh 300 Dosh
Forest Mushroom 20 Dosh 10 Dosh
Cave Mushroom 100 Dosh 50 Dosh
Grassland Grapes 30 Dosh 15 Dosh
Rainbow Apple 100 Dosh 50 Dosh
Cave Strawberries 240 Dosh 120 Dosh
Duffle 20 Dosh 10 Dosh
Elderwood Trout 120 Dosh 220 Dosh
Rainbow Trout 450 Dosh 220 Dosh
Giant Tree Nuts 200 Dosh 100 Dosh
Magic Powder 400 Dosh 200 Dosh
Elder Oak Log 360 Dosh 180 Dosh
Elder Pine Log 480 Dosh 240 Dosh
Elder Palm Log 600 Dosh 300 Dosh
Elder Sugar Log 720 Dosh 360 Dosh
Elder Desert Log 840 Dosh 420 Dosh
Angelic Puff 240 Dosh 120 Dosh
Black Goat Fleece 300 Dosh 150 Dosh
Golden Sheep Fleece 300 Dosh 150 Dosh
Angelic Cotton 960 Dosh 340 Dosh
Black Cashmere 1200 Dosh 400 Dosh
Flare Wool 1200 Dosh 350 Dosh
Monster Dung 20 Dosh 10 Dosh
Woodcutter items
Item name Price Selling price
Power Aid 1200 Dosh 550 Dosh
Power Spray 2000 Dosh 1700 Dosh
Oak Log 60 Dosh 30 Dosh
Pine Log 80 Dosh 40 Dosh
Palm Log 100 Dosh 50 Dosh
Sugar Log 120 Dosh 60 Dosh
Desert Log 140 Dosh 70 Dosh
Fir Log 160 Dosh 80 Dosh
Mangrove Log 160 Dosh 80 Dosh
Starry Log 160 Dosh 80 Dosh
Skytree Log 200 Dosh 100 Dosh
Earth Log 500 Dosh 1000 Dosh
Water Log 1000 Dosh 750 Dosh
Wind Log 1500 Dosh 500 Dosh
Fire Log 2000 Dosh 250 Dosh
Pine Nuts 20 Dosh 10 Dosh
Sugar Nuts 60 Dosh 30 Dosh
Palm Nuts 40 Dosh 20 Dosh
Giant Tree Nuts 200 Dosh 100 Dosh
Worn Axe 400 Dosh 10 Dosh
Oak Axe 1050 Dosh 380 Dosh
Pine Axe 1900 Dosh 900 Dosh
Palm Axe 3045 Dosh 1360 Dosh
Sugar Axe 5040 Dosh 2050 Dosh
Sparkle Axe 8400 Dosh 3300 Dosh
Goddess's Axe 27000 Dosh 8300 Dosh
Kodama Tunic 400 Dosh 10 Dosh
Kodama Dress 400 Dosh 10 Dosh
Kodama Pantaloons 400 Dosh 10 Dosh
Kodama Bottoms 400 Dosh 10 Dosh
Cutter's Cap 400 Dosh 10 Dosh
Cutter's Boots 400 Dosh 10 Dosh

Spirit Tree

The Spirit Tree is the symbol of Elderwood, that's the place were Celesia first arrived with her Goddess's Ship. It was under protection by Danuta from many years in order to protect the ship. The Spirit Tree contains magical powers, as known that the Goddess's Ship didn't contain no any dirt for such a long time to be in the tree. The Spirit Tree is also known to be a extremely high tree, which is known by Ophelia to see Reveria up from there.

Goddess's Ship

The Goddess's Ship is a mythical ship of the goddess Celestia. She came from Lunares to Reveria, which her ship crashed at the Spirit Tree. It is the only ship that can bring the player from Reveria to Lunares, which stops at the Starlight Garden, the home of Yuelia and Noelia.



Monster name Item drops Time of day Bounty Reward
Hootwink Fine Feather Night No None
Gingery Antistun Berry Every day No None
Plains Bear Plateau Honey Every day Yes 300 Dosh
Applejack Ape Castele Apple Every day No None
Mushface Forest Mushroom Every day No None
Forest Panther Animal Claws
Animal Fang
Day No None
Timber Tinder Pine Nuts Every day No None
Spirit of Earth Tool Upgrade Stone Every day No None
Earth Wraith Giant Fang Night Yes 3000 Dosh

Deep Elderwood

Monster name Item drops Time of day Bounty Reward
Sharp Weedling None Every day No None
Burrly Bramble Duffle Every day No None
Killer Bear Monster Hide
Plateau Honey
Every day Yes 1800 Dosh
Forest Wraith Giant Fang Every day Yes 5000 Dosh
Eyes of Darkness Snow-White Feather
Moon Cluster
Night Yes 1500 Dosh



Item name Encounters
Forest Mushroom 5x
Grassland Honey Random
Healweed 3x

Deep Elderwood

Item name Encounters
Duffle 3x
Blackbell 8x
Cureweed 2x

Elderwood Grotto

Item name Encounters
Cave Mushroom 4x

Elderwood Village

Item name Encounters
Blackbell 1x
Energising Flower 2x
Whitebell 1x



Tree name Encounters Bounty Item drop
Oak Tree 6x No Oak Log
Antidote Berries
Elder Oak Log
Great Oak Tree 1x Yes Oak Log
Antidote Berries
Elder Oak Log
Great Elderwood Tree 1x Yes Giant Tree Nuts
Sparkle Axe

Deep Elderwood

Tree name Encounters Bounty Item drop
Blue Oak Tree 5x No Oak Log
Antidote Berries
Elder Oak Log
Great Blue Oak Tree 1x Yes Oak Log
Antidote Berries
Elder Oak Log
Sinister Tree 1x No Rejuvenating Berries
Sinister Branch



Fish name Encounters Bounty
Plains Sweetfish Random No
Rainbow Trout Random No
Elderwood Trout Random No
Forest Lordfish Random Yes


  • This is the only place in the game where are no Bounty Clerks.

Name meaning

Language Name Origin
Japanese コモレヴィ It can come from 木洩れ日, Komorebi which means in Japanese "Sunlight filtering through trees".
English Elderwood Comes from the words "Elder" and "Wood". It is based on the history of the forest, Elder means "Old".
Important places
CastelePort PuertoAl MaajikElderwoodLevitaniaOrigin Island

Other places
South CasteleWest CasteleEast CasteleCastele Shopping DistrictCastele SquareCastele Artisan's DistrictEast Grassy PlainsWest Grassy Plains
Mt SnowpeakMt Snowpeak SummitSpirit TreeGoddess's Ship
Haniwa CaveLava CaveWaterfall CaveElderwood GrottoNautilus CaveDeepsea CaveCave of BonesSubterranean LakeAncient RuinsCacto Cove
