Fantasy Life Wiki
Dreamy Rocking Chair
Dreamy Rocking Chair
A rocking chair made of high-quality materials. Try it out - it'll soothe your spirits.
5 Stars
Carpenter God (High Level) Recipe
Dream Shard x 3
Wild Horn x 1
Fir Beam x 2
Buy price N/A
Sell price ? Dosh
Sell price good 14400 Dosh
Sell price great 16800 Dosh
Sell price top ? Dosh
Sell price divine ?
Type Decor

Obtaining the Recipe

  • As a Carpenter, reach the rank of God/Creator.
  • Speak to Life Master Woody and accept his special request to unlock the Dreamy Rocking Chair recipe.


  • Completing the request by giving Woody a Dreamy Rocking Chair will unlock the Portable Patio recipe.
  • The first time the special request is completed, 3 Gold Lunares Coins will be rewarded. After that, 1 Gold Lunares Coin will be given for each Dreamy Rocking Chair turned in.
    Dreamy Rocking Chair Example