Fantasy Life Wiki
Fantasy Life Wiki

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"The divine creator of all of Reveria. He has long watched over the people from above."
Character information
Gender Male
Nickname(s) God
Hometown Starlight Garden
Relatives Celestia (Wife)
Yuelia (Daughter)
Noelia (Daughter)
Rank God
First appearance Fantasy Life

Divinus is considered to be a god by the people of Reveria. He is the husband of Celestia and father to Yuelia (aka Flutter) and Noelia.

Divinus also has an unknown lawyer.

He always gets nervous and tries to avoid the topic whenever his daughters ask him about their mother, Celestia.

He is always defensive of his (non-existent) artistic skills.

His full name is actually "Todd Divinus."


Divinus can be found in the Starlight Garden in Lunares, along with a couple of Plushlings.


After completing the main story and have purchased the DLC content Origin Island, Divinus will grant you the option to surpass the Legend-rank in your current Life to fulfill a God-rank.

Upon accepting, you will become a God-in-Training, and once you have completed the challenges he will grant you the ultimate God-rank in the game.

Once you have become a God-rank in your Life, visit your Life Master to complete your final life related special request.

When you reach God rank in all 12 life classes you can talk to Divinus to permanently remove life restrictions from your gear.
