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Fantasy Life Wiki
Choco Mat
Choco Mat
A mat shaped like a bar of chocolate. Makes your shoes smell sweet!
4 Stars
Buy price Password
Sell price 10 Dosh
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Type Decor

The Choco Mat is a decor item that can only be obtained through entering a password.


This item can be redeemed by using one of the following Passwords:

Language Password
English - AU / UK Tiny treat
English - US A little peckish
French (FR, Français) Petit plaisir
German (DE, Deutsch) Kleiner Genuss
Italian (IT, Italiano) Sorpresina
Japanese (JP, 日本語)
Spanish (ES, Español) Date un homenaje
  • Note that these are based on the language chosen in-game - not the country you live in.
  • Please note that the passwords are Case-Sensitive.