Fantasy Life Wiki
Cacto Cove


"A small island dominated by a giant cactus! Reach it by boat from the outskirts of Al Maajik."

The ferry unlocks after the Al Maajik main story and speaking to Magnificus.






Travelling Seller[]

There is a merchant at the top of the giant cactus. Some items will only unlock once the player unlocks the "Shopping on the Go" Bliss Bonus.

Item Dosh Requirements
Wild Kiwi 200
HP Potion 60
Hi-HP Potion 320
SP Potion 120
Hi-SP Potion 440
Life Cure 1500
Panacea 1800
Summer Nectar 500
Medium Bomb 1000
Starry Log 160
Angelic Puff 240 Bliss
Marine Thread 120
Pink Silk Thread 240
Starry Thread 600
Angelic Cotton 960 Bliss
Marine Silk 480
Pink Silk 960
Green Cactus 72
Pink Cactus 700 Bliss
Black Gel 420
Tidal Helm 18000 Bliss
Tidal Armour 24000 Bliss
Tidal Leggings 24000 Bliss
Tidal Gauntlets 14400 Bliss
Tidal Boots 14000 Bliss
Marine Necklace 4500 Bliss
Sea Necklace 9000 Bliss
Lucky Cactus 4000 Bliss
Melusine's House

Places of Interest[]

Melusine's House[]

A Mercenary named Melusine resides here with her pet-dragon Fran. She gives the player an Expert Mercenary's challenge that requires the player to defeat 1 Desert Tyrant located by the Ancient Ruins.

Cave of Shadows[]

Cave of Shadows Entrance

A small cave found in Cacto Cove. There are 3 Spirit of Darkness found inside and at the back of the cave is a portal to the Dark Void area. The Spirits of Darkness are passive, so it's not a problem to take bounties out of Cave of Shadows.

Players who have completed the storyline and have reached Level 40 will receive a letter from Odin. From this point, players are allowed to enter the Dark Void.

Dark Void[]

Once players have completed the storyline and have reached Level 40, the Dark Void will be open. To access, players must simply go to Cacto Cove, go into the Cave of Shadows, and lastly enter through the portal found inside.


Upon entering the Dark Void, players will be faced with enemies in a circular arena:

Note: Exiting and re-entering the portal will change which enemies show up in the Dark Void. Also the Dark void contains one of the top 3 strongest bosses without the DLC.

Enemy Arrangements[]

The smaller enemies always take specific formations as shown below:

Important places
CastelePort PuertoAl MaajikElderwoodLevitaniaOrigin Island

Other places
South CasteleWest CasteleEast CasteleCastele Shopping DistrictCastele SquareCastele Artisan's DistrictEast Grassy PlainsWest Grassy Plains
Mt SnowpeakMt Snowpeak SummitSpirit TreeGoddess's Ship
Haniwa CaveLava CaveWaterfall CaveElderwood GrottoNautilus CaveDeepsea CaveCave of BonesSubterranean LakeAncient RuinsCacto Cove
