Fantasy Life Wiki

Gear NormalApplefish
An Applefish you caught yourself.

Gear TopApplefish

3 Stars
EffectRestores 50 HP.
Giant EffectRestores 50 HP.
No Recipe
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Applefish are usually found nearby apple trees and bear an appearance similar to that of an apple, hence the name Applefish. Restores 30 HP.

Catching Locations

Buy from

Quest Related

  • Fledgling Angler Challenge: Catch one Applefish


  • During the introductory Angler quest, the Applefish caught is actually different Quest Item with the same name, which cannot be used, sold, discarded, or stored. In other words, it shares many similar properties with Key Items despite not being categorised as one. This Applefish also have a different item description that reads: "An Applefish you caught yourself."

Other languages

Language Name
English Applefish
Japanese アップルフィッシュ
Spanish Pez reineta
French Poisson-pomme
German Apfelfisch
Italian Meluzzo
Bombs Demonic BombDivine BombGreat BombLove BombMedium BombMini BombPoison BombSleep BombStun Bomb
Condiments Black PepperButterGingerMustardRed PeppercornsSaltSugarVinegarWasabi
Cook Recipes Apple JuiceBandit SteakBarley JuiceBoiled EggBoiled VegBream SashimiCabbage RollsCarrot SoupCorn on the CobDark Giant StewDesert Fish StewDexterity CandyDragon SteakDreamy SteakDried SandfishEgg RollEggy Fried RiceElectro Egg RiceFancy Sashimi SetFiery Fish StewFinest Fluffy OmeletteFish SoupFish Soup of LoveFluffy OmeletteFluffy RoastFlying Fish SushiForest QuicheFossil Sashimi SetFried Blizzard EggFrosty Fish StewGhastly StewGiant Fried EggGlorious DinnerGoddess's FrappéGodly SoupGolden Fish HeadGolden OmeletteGrilled CrucianGrilled EelGrilled SweetfishGrilled Tuna HeadHeavenly BurgerHeavenly FeastHermit's DrinkHoney PuddingHot Prawn BisqueHot Spring EggJuicy BurgerJuicy Monster MeatJuicy MuttonLegendary CornLunares PieMagical Honey DessertMagical MilkshakeMagical OmeletteMagical PieMagical PuddingMonster RoastMonstrous SautéMushroom MedleyMushroom QuicheOccult RollPirate GumboPort Town GratinPrawn GratinPufferfish SashimiPumpkin PiePumpkin QuichePumpkin SoupRainbow GelatoRainbow PaellaRed SoupRice-Stuffed SquidRoast MuttonRoast of LegendRoyal HamburgerRoyal OmeletteRustic Rainbow TroutRustic SwordfishRustic TroutSardine PâtéSashimi SetSaurus LegSautéed DragonSea Lord SetSeafood StewShish KebabSky Sashimi SetSmelt SoupSouthern StewSteakStrength CandySultan's StewSummer NectarSweet Potato DessertSwordfish HeadT-Rex LegTasty KebabTomato SoupTuna SashimiTuna SushiValorous KebabVegetable StewVitality CandyWell-Done BurgerWinter Stew
Divine Orbs Bravery OrbLove OrbWisdom Orb
Eggs Big EggBigbeak EggBlizzard EggEggsGolden EggMagic EggsPenguin EggsRoyal EggsThunder Egg
Fish ApplefishBass of DarknessBlack BassBluescale LordfishCactus FishCastele CarpCastele CrucianCatfishCave CatfishColdwater TunaDeep Sea LordfishDemonic TunaDesert TunaElderwood TroutElectric EelEvil CarpFloaty PufferfishFlying FishForest LordfishFossilfishFrosty FishFrosty Fish StewGigaga CatfishGoddess's CarpGodfishGolden SwordfishHigh-Flying FishHot Spring BreamIcy SquidKissylips AngelfishLava PrawnLordfishMagmafishOrnamental CarpParasol FishPirate CarpPlains EelPlains SweetfishPoseidon SwordfishPrawnPuerto BreamPufferfishRainbow SunfishRainbow TroutRedgillSandfishSardineSea Bream of LoveSky SardineSmeltSquidSweet Fish PastrySwordfishTunaVolcanic TunaWicked Jaws
Fruits Beach WatermelonCastele AppleCave StrawberriesDesert PearGalaxy AppleGolden AppleGrassland GrapesHeavenly PeachJungle BananaMaajik MelonPort Town OrangePumpkinRainbow AppleShadow CapSouthern PapayaTomatoVine-Ripened TomatoesWild Kiwi
Grains Grassy Plains BarleyPort Rice
Honey Grassland HoneyIsland HoneyPlateau HoneyRemote Island Honey
Meats Bandit SteakBeefBird MeatCampfire RoastDino MeatDragon MeatDragon SteakDreamy SteakFluffy RoastGhost MeatGiant Beast MeatHeavenly BurgerHeavenly FeastJuicy BurgerJuicy Monster MeatJuicy MuttonMonster MeatMonster RoastMonstrous SautéMuttonMythical MeatRoyal HamburgerSaurus LegSautéed DragonShish KebabSouthern StewSteakT-Rex LegTasty KebabValorous KebabWell-Done BurgerWild Beast MeatWinter Stew
Milk Cows' MilkExtra Creamy Milk
Mushrooms Cave MushroomDuffleForest MushroomFossil MushroomGigaga TruffleMountain MushroomTruffle
Nuts Centurial NutsGiant Tree NutsMarshmallow NutsPalm NutsPine NutsSugar Nuts
Potions & Powders Berserk PotionCharge Up AidCrit AidDaredevil AidElixirEnergy PowderGodly SprayHP PotionHealing PowderHi-Energy PowderHi-HP PotionHi-SP PotionLife CureLuck PotionMagic AidMagic SprayMaxheal DustMega AidMiraclePanaceaPoison AntidotePotionsPower AidPower SprayResistance AidResistance SpraySP PotionSleep AntidoteSpraylixirStun Antidote
Stat Candies Dexterity CandyFocus CandyIntelligence CandyLuck CandyStrength CandyVitality Candy
Vegetables AubergineBell PepperBroccoliCabbageCarrotDaikon RadishHeavenly AsparagusHermit CarrotMaajik BeansOnionPotatoSweet PotatoSweetcorn
Water Gigaga WaterHot Spring WaterMountain Spring WaterSaltless SeawaterSpring Water
Weeds AlcheweedArch AlcheweedCureweedGoldweedHealweedLegendweedLifeweedSoulweedUltima AlcheweedVitalweed
Nectar Ancient NectarCherry Nectar
Others Boiled Bamboo ShootCampfire FishDemon Shark FinDragon SpicePam's Candy