The Ancient Ruins is located near Al Maajik, to the northeast of the Drysand Desert. It can be accessed through the Ancient Ruins Path.
- Batmon
- Big Spook (Bounty)
- Calamitus (Bounty)
All enemies listed. Click here to make image full sized.
- Chiromon
- Dark Spider
- Desert Jelling
- Dragon Hatchling
- Flame Moth
- Gigante (Bounty)
- Gilded Golem (Bounty)
- Golden Dragon (Bounty)
- Killer Cacto
- King Cobra (Bounty)
- Metal Jelling
- Mimic
- Moth Queen (Bounty)
- Mummy
- Vampire Bat
- Wicked Box
Ore Deposits[]
- Magic Ore Deposit
- Superior Magic Ore Deposit
- Great Magic Ore Deposit
- Amazing Magic Ore Deposit
- Dark Heart
Chest Drops[]
Ancient Ruins
- Black-Rimmed Glasses
- Def. Upgrade Stone
- Elixir
- Gold Dagger
- Gold Gauntlets
- Gold Helm
- Gold Leg Guards
- Hi-HP Potion
- Hi-SP Potion
- Life Cure
- Magic Aid
- M. Def. Upgrade Stone
- Magic Upgrade Stone
- Panacea
- Power Aid
- Sack of Gold
- Savage Necklace
- Star Cluster
- Shadow Mana
Ancient Ruins - Chamber of Gold